You have to strike a balance where you’re not telling people that what they’re saying is irrational, silly, crazy.
Mobilizing the National Guard Doesn’t Mean Your State Is Under Martial Law. Usually.|by Logan Jaffe|September 17, 2020|ProPublica
It’s possible that today’s market is an indication of things to come, where fundamentals play a larger part in valuations, as opposed to the irrational exuberance that has persisted in recent months within tech.
Jittery investors eye today’s big jobs report as markets rebound from an epic sell-off|Bernhard Warner|September 4, 2020|Fortune
John Coates, a Wall Street trader turned neuroscientist, considers the molecule of “irrational exuberance” in The Hour Between Dog and Wolf.
The best books, journalists, and academics for keeping up with bubbles and trading|John Detrixhe|August 30, 2020|Quartz
Primarily, this problem is a byproduct of “irrational exuberance” in the early 2000s and the use of public sector banks by successive governments to propel the economy.
The Modi government’s plan to overcome economic slump ignores a bitter lesson from the past|Prathamesh Mulye|August 18, 2020|Quartz
Only a few months ago, this type of behavior would have been considered excessive, irrational, even pathological, and certainly not healthy.
Are We All OCD Now, With Obsessive Hand-Washing And Technology Addiction?|LGBTQ-Editor|June 15, 2020|No Straight News
The fact that the virus is still alive has sustained many safety concerns, both rational and irrational, about its use.
Powdered Measles Vaccine Could Be Huge for Developing World|Kent Sepkowitz|December 2, 2014|DAILY BEAST
To a certain degree, there is an irrational sense of betrayal.
Renee Zellweger's Face Gets More Medical Scrutiny Than Ebola|Emily Shire|October 21, 2014|DAILY BEAST
But with no sign of an epidemic in the U.S. it seems, at the very least, irrational.
Ebola Panic Is Worse Than the Disease|Abby Haglage|October 9, 2014|DAILY BEAST
One of the reasons the Vikings are viewed so negatively is that their violence could seem wanton or irrational.
How the Vikings Saved Europe and Got a Terrible Reputation|William O’Connor|September 17, 2014|DAILY BEAST
I must confess to a fugitive and irrational wish that he might find some small mercies there.
Tupac and Murray Kempton: The Godfather Who Wore Tweed|Michael Daly|June 22, 2014|DAILY BEAST
There is irrational behavior that I have been guilty of many times.
Warren Commission (5 of 26): Hearings Vol. V (of 15)|The President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy
Do we not mean that the thing appears to us irrational, and we want it shown that it is rational?
A Critical History of Greek Philosophy|W. T. Stace
I do not conclude that it is irrational to take measures for perpetuating the existing European order.
The Great Illusion|Norman Angell
But its wild, irrational career of destruction through the ages now was over.
Astounding Stories, July, 1931|Various
Vain and irrational as was the early form of this anticipation, it was not without advantage.
Charles Sumner; his complete works; Volume 2 (of 20)|Charles Sumner
British Dictionary definitions for irrational
/ (ɪˈræʃənəl) /
inconsistent with reason or logic; illogical; absurd
incapable of reasoning
not rational
(as noun)an irrational
prosody(in Greek or Latin verse)
of or relating to a metrical irregularity, usually the occurrence of a long syllable instead of a short one
denoting a metrical foot where such an irregularity occurs