noun,pluralti·gers,(especially collectively for 1, 2, 6)ti·ger.
a large, carnivorous, tawny-colored and black-striped feline, Panthera tigris, of Asia, ranging in several subspecies from India and the Malay Peninsula to Siberia: the entire species is endangered, with some subspecies thought to be extinct.
the cougar, jaguar, thylacine, or other animal resembling the tiger.
a person resembling a tiger in fierceness, courage, etc.
a country that is considered to have a tiger economy: Taiwan is one of the four Asian tigers.
an additional cheer (often the word tiger) at the end of a round of cheering.
any of several strong, voracious fishes, as a sand shark.
any of numerous animals with stripes similar to a tiger's.
noting or relating to a strict parenting style that demands academic excellence and obedience from children, associated especially with East Asians:a tiger mom; tiger parenting.
Origin of tiger
before 1000; Middle English tigre,Old English tīgras (plural) <Latin tīgris, tigris<Greek tígris
Words nearby tiger
tiffin, Tiflis, Tifton, tig, Tigard, tiger, Tiger balm, tiger beetle, tiger by the tail, tiger cat, tiger economy