to move (a camera) up or down on its vertical axis for photographing or televising a moving character, object, or the like.
verb (used without object)
to move into or assume a sloping position or direction.
to strike, thrust, or charge with a lance or the like (usually followed by at).
to engage in a joust, tournament, or similar contest.
(of a camera) to move on its vertical axis: The camera tilts downward for an overhead shot.
to incline in opinion, feeling, etc.; lean: She's tilting toward the other candidate this year.
an act or instance of tilting.
the state of being tilted; a sloping position.
a slope.
a joust or any other contest.
a dispute; controversy.
a thrust of a weapon, as at a tilt or joust.
(in aerial photography) the angle formed by the direction of aim of a camera and a perpendicular to the surface of the earth.
Idioms for tilt
(at) full tilt. full tilt.
tilt at windmills, to contend against imaginary opponents or injustices.Also fight with windmills.
Origin of tilt
1300–50; Middle English tylten to upset, tumble <Scandinavian; compare dialectal Norwegian tylta to tiptoe, tylten unsteady; akin to Old English tealt unsteady, tealtian to totter, amble, Middle Dutch touteren to sway
Words nearby tilt
till money, Tillotson, till the cows come home, Tilly, Tilsit, tilt, tilt at windmills, tilt board, tilth, tilt hammer, tilting board
Definition for tilt (2 of 2)
[ tilt ]
/ tɪlt /
a cover of coarse cloth, canvas, etc., as for a wagon.
an awning.
verb (used with object)
to furnish with a tilt.
Origin of tilt
1400–50; late Middle English, variant of tild,Old English teld; cognate with German Zelt tent, Old Norse tjald tent, curtain