[ it-uh -rey -shuh n ] SHOW IPA
/ ˌɪt əˈreɪ ʃən / PHONETIC RESPELLING
noun the act of repeating; a repetition.
Mathematics . Also called successive approximation . a problem-solving or computational method in which a succession of approximations, each building on the one preceding, is used to achieve a desired degree of accuracy. an instance of the use of this method. Digital Technology . a repetition of a statement or statements in a computer program. a different version of an existing data set, software program, hardware device, etc.:A new iteration of the data will be released next month. a different form or version of something: He designed the previous iteration of our logo.
a development strategy that involves a cyclical process of refining or tweaking the latest version of a product, process, or idea to make a subsequent version: Our startup is relying on rapid iteration in the next software development cycle.
Origin of iteration First recorded in 1425–75; late Middle English from Latin iterātiōn-, stem of iterātiō; see iterate, -ion
Words nearby iteration iter, iterance, iterant, iterate, iterated integral, iteration , iterative, iteroparous, it figures, It girl, Ithaca
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020
Example sentences from the Web for iteration However, he had seen an “earlier iteration ” of the guidelines and posed no opposition.
The CDC’s new COVID-19 testing guidelines could make the pandemic worse | Sara Kiley Watson| August 27, 2020| Popular Science
However, the previous iteration of the Reports page will remain accessible until the end of September.
Google’s new AdSense Reports page makes it easier to toggle and visualize data | George Nguyen| August 25, 2020| Search Engine Land
She noted that City Council members had been briefed individually on different iteration s of the agreement over the past few months.
The Deal Before the 101 Ash St. Debacle Helps Explain How We Got Here | Lisa Halverstadt and Jesse Marx| August 24, 2020| Voice of San Diego
They are the latest iteration of a decades-long transformation of the GOP.
Why There Are So Few Moderate Republicans Left | Lee Drutman (drutman@newamerica.org)| August 24, 2020| FiveThirtyEight
This process is called backpropagation, and over many iteration s will tune the network until it makes accurate predictions.
A New Brain-Inspired Learning Method for AI Saves Memory and Energy | Edd Gent| July 27, 2020| Singularity Hub
Now Carter and Knight are in their third iteration of a boy band, of sorts.
'Nick & Knight': Nick Carter and Jordan Knight Are Your New Boy Band Power Couple | Kevin Fallon| September 4, 2014| DAILY BEAST
During the Iranian iteration , one event allowed customers to congregate with a local dining in Iran.
Eating With The Enemy: Conflict Kitchen’s Political Cuisine | Justin Jones| July 30, 2014| DAILY BEAST
They began throwing up any iteration of a talent competition they could think of—who remembers Celebrity Duets?
7 Ways ‘American Idol’ Revolutionized TV | Kevin Fallon| January 14, 2014| DAILY BEAST
Cole noted that “the first iteration was surprisingly delicious, but skewed a little red hot cinnamon,” said Cole.
The Appeal of Cinnabon Vodka and the Rise of Flavored Vodkas | Daniel Gross| November 22, 2013| DAILY BEAST
Much of this iteration of the Man of Steel borrows from the comic books for relevance.
‘Man of Steel’ Is Fun to Watch, But It’s Still a Failure. Here’s Why. | Sujay Kumar| June 15, 2013| DAILY BEAST
Let us, at risk of some iteration , consider some of these combustible elements.
Demonology and Devil-lore | Moncure Daniel Conway
Their agents on the spot preached peace (where there was no peace, and no pretence of it) with eloquence and iteration .
The Works of Robert Louis Stevenson - Swanston Edition Vol. 17 (of 25) | Robert Louis Stevenson
At the risk of iteration , I again urge constant mingling with people.
The Young Man and the World | Albert J. Beveridge
Be not led astray by iteration —mistake not the familiar for the intelligible.
A Logic Of Facts | George Jacob Holyoake
Again, with anything but “damnable” iteration , does Shakespeare revert to it before the close of this very scene.
A Study of Shakespeare | Algernon Charles Swinburne
Words related to iteration emphasis, repetition, monotony