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[ tint ] / tɪnt / SEE SYNONYMS FOR tint ON THESAURUS.COM
nouna color or a variety of a color; hue. a color diluted with white; a color of less than maximum purity, chromo, or saturation. a delicate or pale color. any of various commercial dyes for the hair. Engraving. a uniform shading, as that produced by a series of fine parallel lines. Also called tint block .Printing. a faintly or lightly colored background upon which an illustration or the like is to be printed. verb (used with object)to apply a tint or tints to; color slightly or delicately; tinge. Origin of tintFirst recorded in 1710–20; variant of tinct OTHER WORDS FROM tintnon·tint·ed, adjectiveo·ver·tint, verbo·ver·tint, nounre·tint, verb (used with object) un·tint·ed, adjectivewell-tinted, adjective WORDS THAT MAY BE CONFUSED WITH tintcolor, hue, shade, tint Words nearby tintTinseltown, tinsmith, tin soldier, tin spirit, tinstone, tint, tintack, Tintagel Head, tinter, tintinnabular, tintinnabulation Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for tintNo one thinks to transform him into an Adonis, to require him to mascara his lashes or tint his cheekbones a delicate pink. The Men on the Dais|Daphne Merkin|January 2, 2009|DAILY BEAST Iota is informed that the Chloride of Barium, used in about the same proportion as common salt, will give the tint he desires. Notes and Queries, Number 169, January 22, 1853|Various If the colour of the heroine's eyes and the tint of her hair are immaterial to her career, omit such hackneyed data. The Lure of the Pen|Flora Klickmann The colorings of the Greggii are a wondrous harmony of tint and hue. The Fantastic Clan|John James Thornber
Not infrequently the ground colour is decidedly brownish in tint. The Moths of the British Isles, Second Series|Richard South The rose-shaded lamp cast a tint of life on her face, and the dark circles of pain made her eyes look deeper and brighter. The Fruit of the Tree|Edith Wharton
British Dictionary definitions for tint
nouna shade of a colour, esp a pale one a colour that is softened or desaturated by the addition of white a tinge a semipermanent dye for the hair a trace or hinta tint of jealousy in his voice engraving uniform shading, produced esp by hatching printing a panel of colour serving as a background to letters or other matter verb(tr) to colour or tinge (tr) to change or influence slightlyhis answer was tinted by his prior knowledge Derived forms of tinttinter, nounWord Origin for tintC18: from earlier tinct Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Words related to tinthue, complexion, tinge, glow, coloration, stain, tone, trace, tincture, cast, color, luminosity, hint, taint, dash, wash, suggestion, flush, touch, dye |