单词 | tipple |
释义 | tipple1[ tip-uhl ] / ˈtɪp əl / SEE SYNONYMS FOR tipple ON THESAURUS.COM verb (used without object), tip·pled, tip·pling.to drink intoxicating liquor, especially habitually or to some excess. verb (used with object), tip·pled, tip·pling.to drink (intoxicating liquor), especially repeatedly, in small quantities. nounintoxicating liquor. Origin of tipple11490–1500; back formation from Middle English tipeler tapster, equivalent to tipel-tap2 (cognate with Dutch tepel teat) + -er-er1; cf. tipsy OTHER WORDS FROM tippleun·tip·pled, adjectiveWords nearby tippleTipperary, tipper truck, tippet, Tippett, tipping point, tipple, tippler, tippy, tippytoe, tip sheet, tipstaff Definition for tipple (2 of 2)tipple2 [ tip-uhl ] / ˈtɪp əl / nouna device that tilts or overturns a freight car to dump its contents. a place where loaded cars are emptied by tipping. Mining. a structure where coal is cleaned and loaded in railroad cars or trucks. Origin of tipple21875–80, Americanism; noun use of dial. tipple to tumble, frequentative of tip2; see -le Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for tippleBritish Dictionary definitions for tipple (1 of 2)tipple1 / (ˈtɪpəl) / verbto make a habit of taking (alcoholic drink), esp in small quantities nounalcoholic drink Derived forms of tippletippler, nounWord Origin for tippleC15: back formation from obsolete tippler tapster, of unknown origin British Dictionary definitions for tipple (2 of 2)tipple2 / (ˈtɪpəl) / nouna device for overturning ore trucks, mine cars, etc, so that they discharge their load a place at which such trucks are tipped and unloaded verbNorthern English dialect to fall or cause to fall Word Origin for tippleC19: from tipple to overturn, from tip ² Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 |
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