[ tahyt -n ] SHOW IPA
noun Classical Mythology . any of the sons of Uranus and Gaia, including Coeus, Crius, Cronus, Hyperion, Iapetus, and Oceanus. Also Ti·tan·ess [tahyt -n-is]. /ˈtaɪt n ɪs/. any of the sisters of these, including Mnemosyne, Phoebe, Rhea, Tethys, Themis, and Thia. any of the offspring of the children of Uranus and Gaia. the Titan, Helios.
Astronomy . one of the moons of Saturn.
(usually lowercase ) a person or thing of enormous size, strength, power, influence, etc.: a titan of industry.
Military . a two-stage, liquid-fueled U.S. intercontinental ballistic missile in service since the late 1950s and designed for launch from underground silos.
adjective (lowercase ) titanic2 (def. 2).
Origin of Titan Late Middle English: “the sun, Helios,” from Latin Tītān, from Greek Tītā́n; defs. 1 and 2 were first recorded in 1400–50; def. 3 was first recorded in 1865–70;
Words nearby Titan tissue type, tissue typing, tiswin, Tisza, tit, Titan , titanate, Titanesque, titania, titanic, titanic acid
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020
Example sentences from the Web for Titan Lakes on Titan are full of methane, and the chemical is a major component of the giant planets Jupiter, Neptune, and so forth.
Methane on Mars: Life or Just Gas? | Matthew R. Francis| December 17, 2014| DAILY BEAST
Titan and GE officials did not respond to requests for comment.
Exclusive: Did This Manhattan Firm Help Shield a Russian Fund From Sanctions? | Bill Conroy| November 10, 2014| DAILY BEAST
But Attack on Titan deserves to be respected as more than just another beautiful, easy Netflix binge.
This Author Kills More Darlings Than George R.R. Martin | David Levesley| September 24, 2014| DAILY BEAST
Seasons on Earth and Titan are both due to the tilt of their axis—the way the North Pole faces—relative to their orbit.
A Cloud Forms Over Saturn’s Mysterious Moon | Matthew R. Francis| August 17, 2014| DAILY BEAST
Like Earth, Titan has weather, with evaporation, clouds, rain, and wind.
A Cloud Forms Over Saturn’s Mysterious Moon | Matthew R. Francis| August 17, 2014| DAILY BEAST
Orpheus calls her the harbinger of Titan , for she is the personification of that light which precedes the appearance of the sun.
Roman Antiquities, and Ancient Mythology | Charles K. Dillaway
Danton also, the second Titan of the Revolution, was an Atheist.
Flowers of Freethought | George W. Foote
It is a noble figure that Liszt has translated into music, the Titan .
Franz Liszt | James Huneker
Was this Titan that had saved him sculpturing some figure from the metal hill?
Pierre And His People, [Tales of the Far North], Complete | Gilbert Parker
Heracles supports on his shoulders the vault of heaven, while the Titan Atlas brings him the golden apples of the Hesperides.
A Catalogue of Sculpture in the Department of Greek and Roman Antiquities, British Museum, Volume I (of 2) | A. H. Smith
British Dictionary definitions for Titan (1 of 3) noun a person of great strength or size
Word Origin for titan C17: from Titan 1
British Dictionary definitions for Titan (2 of 3) noun Greek myth any of a family of primordial gods, the sons and daughters of Uranus (sky) and Gaea (earth)
any of the offspring of the children of Uranus and Gaea
British Dictionary definitions for Titan (3 of 3) noun the largest satellite of the planet Saturn, having a thick atmosphere consisting mainly of nitrogen. Diameter: 5150 km
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012