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[ jig-saw ] / ˈdʒɪgˌsɔ / SEE SYNONYMS FOR jigsaw ON THESAURUS.COM
nounAlso jig saw . an electric machine saw with a narrow blade mounted vertically in a frame, for cutting curves or other difficult lines or patterns. verb (used with object), jig·sawed, jig·sawed or jig·sawn, jig·saw·ing.to cut or form with a jigsaw. adjectiveformed by or as if by a jigsaw: jigsaw ornamentation. Origin of jigsawFirst recorded in 1870–75; jig2 + saw1 Words nearby jigsawjiggery-pokery, jiggle, jiggly, jiggy, jig is up, jigsaw, jigsaw puzzle, jihad, jihadi, jihadism, jihadist Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for jigsawEvery scene fits together like a jigsaw puzzle piece by the end of the book, when the reader finally knows everything. Real Thrills And High Art In A Poignant Page-Turner Of A Novel|Susan Cheever|May 16, 2014|DAILY BEAST All of which connect together like a jigsaw as the story progresses. Sebastian Barry’s Quarrel With Irish History|J.P. O’Malley|May 7, 2014|DAILY BEAST For Cusk, it is “a jigsaw dismantled into a heap of broken-edged pieces.” If You Read This Book, You Will Not Get Married|Melissa Holbrook Pierson|August 11, 2012|DAILY BEAST And when things go wrong there is a great problem of putting together the jigsaw of who said what, and what was agreed. Oligarch v. Oligarch: London's Courts Attract Litigious Tycoons|Mike Giglio|July 23, 2012|DAILY BEAST
To be fair, Prince Charles is also brazenly cashing in, selling a jigsaw puzzle of William and Kate at his official store. Meet Kate Middleton's Parents, Carole and Michael|Harry Cole|March 24, 2011|DAILY BEAST "He'll be glad to know I'm not showing it about, or brooding over it like a bit of a jigsaw puzzle," I thought. The Lightning Conductor Discovers America|C. N. (Charles Norris) Williamson and A. M. (Alice Muriel) Williamson Through a cloud of pipe smoke, Drake was placing more pieces into the jigsaw of Sylvia Fanton's life. Queen of the Flaming Diamond|Leroy Yerxa That's what delights Jack, picking up these links, and fitting them together like bits of jigsaw puzzles. The Lightning Conductor Discovers America|C. N. (Charles Norris) Williamson and A. M. (Alice Muriel) Williamson If convenient to a mill equipped with jigsaw and moulder they can be made up after your own patterns. Home Taxidermy for Pleasure and Profit|Albert B. Farnham Like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle, the whole picture suddenly fell into place. Tom Swift and the Electronic Hydrolung|Victor Appleton
British Dictionary definitions for jigsaw
nouna mechanical saw with a fine steel blade for cutting intricate curves in sheets of material See jigsaw puzzle Word Origin for jigsawC19: from jig (to jerk up and down rapidly) + saw 1 Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Words related to jigsawrive, pull, divide, injure, mangle, separate, damage, snatch, break, shred, split, slash, crack, grab, yank, rupture, sever, wrench, frazzle, rift |