Benoit suspects that if scientists can identify these genes, they could use them to engineer new types of cells tolerant of high pressures and little oxygen.
One tiny sea parasite survives 200 times atmospheric pressure|Shi En Kim|September 25, 2020|Science News For Students
The pandemic’s onslaught makes investors a lot more tolerant of tough decisions that cause short-term pain but build on what makes money, shelves losers, and jettisons lofty ambitions.
Ford, just admit it: You’re a truckmaker now|Shawn Tully|September 21, 2020|Fortune
The Federal Reserve is expected to make that official by announcing a new strategy that requires it to be more tolerant when prices overshoot, and refrain from preemptive interest-rate increases.
After $20 trillion in pandemic relief spending, there’s still no sign of inflation. What happened?|Bernhard Warner|August 25, 2020|Fortune
Bigger dingoes may then, in turn, be more tolerant of the poison’s effects, their body size outpacing a relatively constant dosage over the years.
Culling dingoes with poison may be making them bigger|Jake Buehler|August 19, 2020|Science News
Jon Oatley, a reproductive biologist at Washington State University, wants to use Crispr-Cas9 to fine tune the genetic code of rugged, disease-resistant, and heat-tolerant bulls that have been bred to thrive on the open range.
Biotechnology Could Change the Cattle Industry. Will It Succeed?|Dyllan Furness|August 16, 2020|Singularity Hub
Such is the Sierra Leonean way, the most tolerant, compassionate, and friendly people I have found anywhere.
In Sierra Leone, the Plague Is Closing in Around Us|Ned Eustace|October 13, 2014|DAILY BEAST
But it may also cause us to be too tolerant of further extensions of state power in the name of security.
David Cameron's Plan to Fight ISIS Will Likely Involve Racial Profiling|Clive Irving|September 2, 2014|DAILY BEAST
She speaks with chilly precision, “in the tone that a bored but tolerant adult might use.”
American Dreams: A Best-Selling Pint-Sized Psychopath|Nathaniel Rich|June 29, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The organization presents itself as a tolerant Islamic voice—the “good Muslim,” if you will.
Nothing better conveyed the message that America was a tolerant, multicultural nation.
What the Sex Lives of the Founding Fathers Reveal About Us|Eric Herschthal|February 21, 2014|DAILY BEAST
I don't know how tolerant (or intolerant) you are towards his pursuits and speculations.
The Letters of William James, Vol. II|William James
Buddhism, although, tolerant of heresy, has ever been vehement in its persecution of schism.
Ceylon; an Account of the Island Physical, Historical, and Topographical with Notices of Its Natural History, Antiquities and Productions, Volume 1 (of 2)|James Emerson Tennent
Mr. Garry spoke very quietly, but what he said scarcely aroused hopes that his attitude would be tolerant.
Atlantis|Gerhart Hauptmann
We are all tolerant enough of those who do not agree with us, provided only they are sufficiently miserable!
Adventures In Contentment|David Grayson
We are less disposed to be tolerant of individual persuasions which imply a personal and unpleasant reflection.
The Frontiersmen|Charles Egbert Craddock
British Dictionary definitions for tolerant
/ (ˈtɒlərənt) /
able to tolerate the beliefs, actions, opinions, etc, of others