[ tol -uh -reyt ] SHOW IPA
verb (used with object), tol·er·at·ed, tol·er·at·ing. to allow the existence, presence, practice, or act of without prohibition or hindrance; permit.
to endure without repugnance; put up with: I can tolerate laziness, but not incompetence.
Medicine/Medical . to endure or resist the action of (a drug, poison, etc.).
Obsolete . to experience, undergo, or sustain, as pain or hardship.
Origin of tolerate 1525–35; <Latin tolerātus, past participle of tolerāre to bear (akin to thole2 ); see -ate1
OTHER WORDS FROM tolerate tol·er·a·tive, adjective tol·er·a·tor, noun non·tol·er·at·ed, adjective non·tol·er·a·tive, adjective
un·tol·er·at·ed, adjective un·tol·er·at·ing, adjective un·tol·er·a·tive, adjective
Words nearby tolerate tolerable, tolerance, tolerance dose, tolerance zone, tolerant, tolerate , toleration, tolerogenic, toleware, tolidine, Tolima
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020
Example sentences from the Web for tolerate The State, as an employer organization, does not tolerate harassment.
Alaska’s Attorney General on Unpaid Leave After Sending Hundreds of “Uncomfortable” Texts to a Young Colleague | by Kyle Hopkins, Anchorage Daily News| August 25, 2020| ProPublica
The companies said the vaccine was well tolerate d with mild to moderate fever in fewer than 20% of the participants.
Pfizer says its COVID-19 vaccine is on track for regulatory review in October | Claire Zillman, reporter| August 21, 2020| Fortune
A society that tolerate s official brutality thereby, of course, encourages it.
Standing together | Tate Ryan-Mosley| August 19, 2020| MIT Technology Review
This also suggests that the desire to become transhuman may take many years to become more widely tolerate d.
Transgender, Transhuman: Technological Advances Offer Increased Choices But Also Create New Prejudices | LGBTQ-Editor| April 9, 2020| No Straight News
“The US cannot tolerate the idea of any rival economic entity,” Stone writes.
Oliver Stone’s Latest Dictator Suckup | James Kirchick| January 5, 2015| DAILY BEAST
Revisions went back and forth for weeks before Caro finally signed off on versions he could tolerate .
‘The Power Broker’ Turns 40: How Robert Caro Wrote a Masterpiece | Scott Porch| September 16, 2014| DAILY BEAST
Should she leave her husband and endure loneliness or tolerate his dalliance and keep a companion for old age?
Ian McEwan's New Novel Keeps Life at Arm's Length | Nick Romeo| September 11, 2014| DAILY BEAST
Why tolerate toxicity in a powerful sphere of modern life that has the potential to—and does—benefit so many?
Zelda Williams Is the Latest to Leave Twitter Because of Ugly Attacks | Tauriq Moosa| August 14, 2014| DAILY BEAST
What you should want to create is a culture or community that immediately does not tolerate bigotry, harassment, and abuse.
Female Journalist Gets Rape Threats Over Comic Book Criticism | Tauriq Moosa| April 21, 2014| DAILY BEAST
"No, sir; I would not tolerate such a man on board any more than I would a rattlesnake," I replied.
Some of the clergy no doubt enjoyed the fun; others had to tolerate what was old and traditional.
Folkways | William Graham Sumner
An ear accustomed to the fine tone of a good violin will not now tolerate a bad piano-forte.
Violins and Violin Makers | Joseph Pearce
It was "against his duty towards God and the world to tolerate them."
History of England from the Fall of Wolsey to the Death of Elizabeth. Vol. II. | James Anthony Froude
It is not a question of what is suitable to us, or what we can tolerate or agree with.
Life and Times of David | Charles Henry Mackintosh
British Dictionary definitions for tolerate verb (tr) to treat with indulgence, liberality, or forbearance
to permit
to be able to bear; put up with
med to have tolerance for (a drug, poison, etc)
Derived forms of tolerate tolerative , adjective tolerator , noun Word Origin for tolerate C16: from Latin tolerāre sustain; related to thole ²
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Words related to tolerate brook, accept, countenance, endure, permit, condone, stand for, abide, authorize, undergo, stomach, receive, bear, pocket, admit, humor, sustain, stand, have, sanction
Medical definitions for tolerate v. To allow without prohibiting or opposing; permit.
To put up with; endure.
To have tolerance for a substance or pathogen.
The American Heritage® Stedman's Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company.