[ joh -zuh f-suh n, -suh f- ] SHOW IPA
/ ˈdʒoʊ zəf sən, -səf- / PHONETIC RESPELLING
noun Brian David, born 1940, British physicist: Nobel Prize 1973.
Words nearby Josephson Joseph II, Josephine, Joseph of Arimathaea, Joseph of Arimathea, Joseph's-coat, Josephson , Josephson effect, Josephson junction, Joseph, the husband of Mary, Josephus, josh
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020
Example sentences from the Web for Josephson “I had him chart how much money he made each day to his sexual performance,” Josephson says.
When Markets Fall, So Do the Big Swinging Dicks | Mimi Swartz| October 17, 2008| DAILY BEAST
He was, says Josephson , “a handsome big guy, sleeping with hotties.”
When Markets Fall, So Do the Big Swinging Dicks | Mimi Swartz| October 17, 2008| DAILY BEAST
Mr. Josephson : I rise to suggest that we should discuss the question of size notation.
Papers and Proceedings of the Twenty-Third General Meeting of the American Library Association | Various
Mr. Josephson : Now those who want size to mean the outside of the book.
Papers and Proceedings of the Twenty-Third General Meeting of the American Library Association | Various
Mr. Josephson 's discussion will appear in a later issue of "Special Libraries."
Papers and Proceedings of the Thirty-fourth Annual Meeting of the American Library Association Held at Ottawa, Canada June 26-July 2, 1912 | Various
Mr. Josephson : It sometimes happens that an author signs his name at the end of the preface.
Papers and Proceedings of the Twenty-Third General Meeting of the American Library Association | Various
I speak in Valle's behalf partly because of Josephson 's arrangement of a bibliography to be mentioned at the end of this essay.
A History of Bibliographies of Bibliographies | Archer Taylor