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[ toom-stohn ] / ˈtumˌstoʊn / SEE SYNONYMS FOR tombstone ON THESAURUS.COM
nouna stone marker, usually inscribed, on a tomb or grave. Origin of tombstoneFirst recorded in 1555–65; tomb + stone Words nearby tombstoneTombigbee, tombola, tombolo, Tombouctou, tomboy, tombstone, tombstone ad, tomcat, tomcod, Tom Collins, Tom, Dick, and Harry Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for tombstone“What I would really like to put on my tombstone is that I was part of my time,” he says. The Stacks: The Eyes of Winter: Paul Newman at 70|Peter Richmond|October 11, 2014|DAILY BEAST “The NTC pretends to govern, but it doesn't have any real power in the interior,” Tombstone tells him. This Sexy Thriller Is Just the Document the Benghazi Commission Needs|Christopher Dickey|September 15, 2014|DAILY BEAST The problem gets occasional publicity when a rock star steps in and buys a tombstone for a blues great. Blues Musicians in Unmarked Graves Are Finally Getting Some Respect|Malcolm Jones|January 12, 2014|DAILY BEAST Or you could have a tombstone that reads “Here does not lie Ann Patchett.” Ann Patchett: How I Write|Noah Charney|October 30, 2013|DAILY BEAST
At a recent press conference, Tzipi Livni nailed a quote rich enough to perhaps one day be emblazoned on her tombstone. Introducing Tzipi Livni to the Occupation|Avner Gvaryahu|October 1, 2013|DAILY BEAST But an Eskimo, for his part, can sit all day as still as a tombstone in a cemetery. Grenfell: Knight-Errant of the North|Fullerton Waldo Maybe they would have put on her tombstone, "None knew her but to love her." Georgina of the Rainbows|Annie Fellows Johnston On the head of a tombstone, the inscription is frequent on the continent. Notes and Queries, Number 70, March 1, 1851|Various The hog-back was a tombstone or grave-slab that marked the burial-place of some Scandinavian chief. Cheshire|Charles E. Kelsey Last week the tombstone was put up and we all went to see it. A Young Girl's Diary|An Anonymous Young Girl
British Dictionary definitions for tombstone (1 of 2)
nounanother word for gravestone British Dictionary definitions for tombstone (2 of 2)
nouna town in the US, in Arizona: scene of the gunfight at the OK Corral in 1881. Pop: 1547 (2003 est) Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Words related to tombstonememorial, monument, gravestone, marker, cenotaph |