This house on Parsioneros, after all, was only one of many such narco-tombs in Juarez, known as narcofosas.
An Informant, a Missing American, and Juarez’s House of Death: Inside the 12-Year Cold Case of David Castro|Bill Conroy|January 6, 2015|DAILY BEAST
Together, they crossed over the International Bridges on foot into Juarez to conduct some business.
An Informant, a Missing American, and Juarez’s House of Death: Inside the 12-Year Cold Case of David Castro|Bill Conroy|January 6, 2015|DAILY BEAST
“The government just wanted to catch the big fish [in the Juarez cartel] and they ignored everything in between,” Lozoya said.
An Informant, a Missing American, and Juarez’s House of Death: Inside the 12-Year Cold Case of David Castro|Bill Conroy|January 6, 2015|DAILY BEAST
Arturo in particular built up the organization and aligned it with the Sinaloa and Juarez cartels in the early 2000s.
Trading Dime Bags for Salvador Dali|Jason McGahan|October 19, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Sister networks formed in cities like Juarez, Chihuahua and Guadalajara.
Mexican Journalists Speak Out on Reporter Murders|Jason McGahan|June 17, 2014|DAILY BEAST
We seemed united with the outside world once more, and we felt doubly fortified to have our tried comrade, Juarez, with us.
The Frontier Boys in the Grand Canyon|Wyn Roosevelt
For a month Maximilian and his generals remained prisoners in Quertaro, while their fate hung undecided in the hands of Juarez.
Mexico|Susan Hale
Thus there was little hope of escape with the two leaders, Jim and Juarez, done for.
Frontier Boys on the Coast|Capt. Wyn Roosevelt
Juarez was a Zapotec Indian, a hill tribe which had never been fully under Spanish control.
Aztec Land|Maturin M. Ballou
Then Gols got a surprise, for Juarez fired at a dark bunch looking over the edge of the gully.
The Frontier Boys in the Sierras|Wyn Roosevelt
British Dictionary definitions for Juárez (1 of 2)
/ (Spanishˈxwarɛθ) /
short for Ciudad Juárez
British Dictionary definitions for Juárez (2 of 2)
/ (Spanishˈxwarɛθ) /
Benito Pablo (beˈnito ˈpaβlo). 1806–72, Mexican statesman. As president (1861–65; 1867–72) he thwarted Napoleon III's attempt to impose an empire under Maximilian and introduced many reforms