[ tawr-men -ter, tawr -men- ] SHOW IPA
/ tɔrˈmɛn tər, ˈtɔr mɛn- / PHONETIC RESPELLING
noun a person or thing that torments.
Theater . a curtain or framed structure behind the proscenium at both sides of the stage, for screening the wings from the audience. Compare teaser (def. 2).
Origin of tormentor 1250–1300; Middle English tormento (u )r <Anglo-French; Old French tormenteor. See torment, -or2
Words nearby tormentor torii, Torino, Tormé, torment, tormentil, tormentor , torn, tornado, Tornado Alley, tornaria, Torne
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020
Example sentences from the Web for tormentor Other times, his tormentor is kind to him, offering him coffee and grilling him about the great state of New Jersey.
Jon Stewart Talks ‘Rosewater’ and the ‘Chickensh-t’ Democrats’ Midterm Massacre | Marlow Stern| November 9, 2014| DAILY BEAST
All the while, my tormentor kept saying, “When will you learn, when will you learn.”
My Secret Life in Los Santos | Eli Lake| November 29, 2013| DAILY BEAST
Characters who start off as victims willingly slip into the role of tormentor .
Must-Read Fiction: ‘The Watch,’ ‘Alys, Always,’ ‘The Year of the Gadfly’ | Cameron Martin, Lucy Scholes, Amber Dermont| June 19, 2012| DAILY BEAST
How did Cedric, your former close friend and current tormentor , get into the SUR party?
‘The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills’ Lisa Vanderpump Dishes | Nicole LaPorte| February 6, 2012| DAILY BEAST
Murdoch's Tormentor Gives Evidence Nick Davies is no friend to the Murdoch family.
Britain’s Phone-Hacking Hearings Heat Up (Video) | The Daily Beast| November 29, 2011| DAILY BEAST
Much and bitterly did she weep over her cursed existence, and earnestly prayed that she might be liberated from her tormentor .
Tales of the Wonder Club, Volume II | Alexander Huth
With the superhuman strength of the last gasp I surged under my tormentor —and he noticed me.
Yellowstone Nights | Herbert Quick
At this moment Rouget, who hated Max, thought his tormentor an angel.
The Two Brothers | Honore de Balzac
I was exhausted and my tormentor was given over to his own enjoyment of my discomfiture.
Olympian Nights | John Kendrick Bangs
The grim features of my tormentor relaxed as he saw the change that came over me.
Incidents of Travel in Greece, Turkey, Russia, and Poland, 7th ed. Vol. 2 of 2 | John Lloyd Stephens
British Dictionary definitions for tormentor noun a person or thing that torments
a curtain or movable piece of stage scenery at either side of the proscenium arch, used to mask lights or exits and entrances
films a panel of sound-insulating material placed outside the field of the camera to control the acoustics on the sound stage
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Words related to tormentor scourge, contagion, infection, virus, plague, epidemic, blight, bug, irritant, irritation, bore, nuisance, creep, annoyance, curse, nudge, nag, exasperation, pill, headache