

单词 kathisma


or ca·this·ma

[ Greek kah-theez-mah; English ka-thiz-muh ]
/ Greek ˈkɑ θiz mɑ; English kæˈθɪz mə /

noun, plural ka·this·ma·ta or ca·this·ma·ta [Greek kah-theez-mah-tah; English ka-thiz-muh-tuh]. /Greek kɑˈθiz mɑ tɑ; English kæˈθɪz mə tə/.

one of the 20 divisions of the Psalter in the Greek rite.

Origin of kathisma

First recorded in 1850–60; from Medieval Greek, Greek káthisma “seat,” from kathízein “to sit down” (equivalent to kat- kat- + hízein “to set, sit”; see sit1) + -isma -ism

Words nearby kathisma

Kathakali, Katharevusa, katharometer, Katherine, Kathiawar, kathisma, Kathleen, Kathmandu, katholikos, Kathy, Katie
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020

Example sentences from the Web for kathisma

  • Above is another representation of the imperial family in their Kathisma.

    Constantinople|William Holden Hutton




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