The next generation includes a massive coalition of childcare supporters who transcend political affiliation, race, gender, and income.
Millennials and Gen Zers need better childcare. Can either Biden or Trump deliver?|matthewheimer|August 29, 2020|Fortune
He doesn’t avoid the social media platform’s vitriol but defuses and transcends it.
Are You Yoda or Darth Vader? - Issue 89: The Dark Side|Brian Gallagher|August 26, 2020|Nautilus
To be identified as an Earthling, one has to transcend the local and the national, and sometimes, even the global, by embracing a larger planetary consciousness.
Science Fiction Explores the Interconnectedness Revealed by the Coronavirus Pandemic|Mayurika Chakravorty|August 9, 2020|Singularity Hub
Republicans have a rare opportunity to implement policies that are truly compassionate and transcend toxic identity politics.
How a GOP Senate Can Help the Poor|Veronique de Rugy|November 23, 2014|DAILY BEAST
So when they get the technique to transcend, this huge pressure gets released.
David Lynch on Transcendental Meditation, ‘Twin Peaks,’ and Collaborating With Kanye West|Marlow Stern|October 6, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The work “symbolizes the human urge to transcend and progress.”
This Artist Reproduced van Gogh’s Ear…and It’s Alive!|Justin Jones|June 4, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The creative solution is how we actually transform and transcend our limitations.
On Transhumanism and Why Technology Is Our Silicon Nervous System|Jason Silva|April 26, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Rand Paul delivered a speech that may yet transcend party and generation.
Demographics Or Destiny in 2016|Lloyd Green|March 10, 2014|DAILY BEAST
How otherwise should this carver feel himself entitled to transcend all rules, and make me ashamed of quoting them?
Little Masterpieces|Nathaniel Hawthorne
It may transcend all idol forms, and make all worship spiritual.
Abraham Lincoln's Cardinal Traits;|Clark S. Beardslee
In their sore distress men and women have implored for and obtained consolations which transcend all ordinary experience.
The English Church in the Eighteenth Century|Charles J. Abbey and John H. Overton
The bible denies to man the privilege to transcend the ideals of the past, or to be better than his Asiatic gods.
The Bible Unveiled|M. M. Mangasarian
In this branch, hours of work are unlimited; when the season is on, they transcend imagination.
Woman under socialism|August Bebel
British Dictionary definitions for transcend
/ (trænˈsɛnd) /
to go above or beyond (a limit, expectation, etc), as in degree or excellence
(tr)to be superior to
philosophytheol(esp of the Deity) to exist beyond (the material world)
Derived forms of transcend
transcendingly, adverb
Word Origin for transcend
C14: from Latin trānscendere to climb over, from trans- + scandere to climb