[ tran-sen-den -tl, -suh n- ] SHOW IPA
/ ˌtræn sɛnˈdɛn tl, -sən- / PHONETIC RESPELLING
adjective transcendent, surpassing, or superior.
being beyond ordinary or common experience, thought, or belief; supernatural.
abstract or metaphysical.
idealistic, lofty, or extravagant.
Philosophy . beyond the contingent and accidental in human experience, but not beyond all human knowledge. Compare transcendent (def. 4b). pertaining to certain theories, etc., explaining what is objective as the contribution of the mind. Kantianism . of, pertaining to, based upon, or concerned with a priori elements in experience, which condition human knowledge. Compare transcendent (def. 4b). SEE MORE SEE LESS noun Mathematics . transcendental number.
transcendentals, Scholasticism . categories that have universal application, as being, one, true, good.
Origin of transcendental From the Medieval Latin word trānscendentālis, dating back to 1615–25. See transcendent, -al1
OTHER WORDS FROM transcendental tran·scen·den·tal·i·ty, noun tran·scen·den·tal·ly, adverb un·tran·scen·den·tal, adjective un·tran·scen·den·tal·ly, adverb Words nearby transcendental transceiver, transcellular fluid, transcend, transcendence, transcendent, transcendental , transcendental aesthetic, transcendental analytic, transcendental argument, transcendental dialectic, transcendental ego
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020
Example sentences from the Web for transcendental Transcendental Meditation is really becoming popular, with the David Lynch Foundation.
Soledad O'Brien's Next Chapter: 'The War Comes Home,' Her CNN Departure, and the State of News | Marlow Stern| August 13, 2014| DAILY BEAST
That was the David Lynch Foundation in the documentary, and they actually taught me Transcendental Meditation.
Soledad O'Brien's Next Chapter: 'The War Comes Home,' Her CNN Departure, and the State of News | Marlow Stern| August 13, 2014| DAILY BEAST
What else is a woman to wear during her transcendental meditation?
Justin Bieber for Calvin Klein; David Lynch Designs Activewear | The Fashion Beast Team| July 23, 2014| DAILY BEAST
And so he had that rational side to him, and then he had the transcendental side.
Murder, Sex, and the Writing Life: Norman Mailer’s Biography | Ronald K. Fried| November 19, 2013| DAILY BEAST
Appearing in L.A. with Russell Brand, the heady director discussed how Transcendental Meditation changed his life.
David Lynch Discusses Transcendental Meditation in Los Angeles | Sean Macaulay| April 7, 2013| DAILY BEAST
But the foundation for this kind of idealism we have already destroyed in the transcendental aesthetic.
The Critique of Pure Reason | Immanuel Kant
In his section on morphology Darwin shows clearly the influence of Owen, and through him of the transcendental anatomists.
Form and Function | E. S. (Edward Stuart) Russell
In the mind of Wells this process, has taken on an altogether mystical, transcendental significance, a religious aspect.
The World of H.G. Wells | Van Wyck Brooks
Transcendental is primarily employed by Kant as a name for a certain kind of knowledge.
A Commentary to Kant's 'Critique of Pure Reason' | Norman Kemp Smith
But it was through the literature of Germany that the transcendental philosophy chiefly communicated itself.
Transcendentalism in New England | Octavius Brooks Frothingham
British Dictionary definitions for transcendental adjective transcendent, superior, or surpassing
(in the philosophy of Kant) (of a judgment or logical deduction) being both synthetic and a priori of or relating to knowledge of the presuppositions of thought philosophy beyond our experience of phenomena, although not beyond potential knowledge
theol surpassing the natural plane of reality or knowledge; supernatural or mystical
Derived forms of transcendental transcendentality , noun transcendentally , adverb Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Words related to transcendental boundless, mystical, spiritual