1. Alliance,confederation,league,union all mean the joining of states for mutual benefit or to permit the joint exercise of functions. An alliance may apply to any connection entered into for mutual benefit. League usually suggests closer combination or a more definite object or purpose. Confederation applies to a permanent combination for the exercise in common of certain governmental functions. Union implies an alliance so close and permanent that the separate states or parties become essentially one.
In small human societies, for thousands of years, there were shifting alliances and status hierarchies, people who were good to cooperate with and people who most people ostracized.
The Dark Side of Smart - Facts So Romantic|Diana Fleischman|September 15, 2020|Nautilus
TikTok responded by beginning negotiations with potential buyers, the most likely of included Oracle and a rival alliance of Microsoft and Walmart.
How Trump’s TikTok ban pushed China’s most independent tech billionaire closer to Beijing|claychandler|September 10, 2020|Fortune
Part of that work includes Ryan’s CEO Action for Diversity and Inclusion, an alliance of some 1,200 CEOs who are working collaboratively on inclusion issues in their workforce.
PwC releases its first-ever diversity report|Ellen McGirt|August 27, 2020|Fortune
They include alliances with companies like Adidas and Lego and star designers like Tom Dixon and Virgil Abloh.
Ikea promises ‘democratic’ design. Has its Virgil Abloh collaboration lived up?|claychandler|August 25, 2020|Fortune
Aggressive interactions and alliances help determine which hyenas are on top, and all individuals know where they stand, Strauss says.
Female hyenas kill off cubs in their own clans|Carolyn Wilke|August 25, 2020|Science News
First, one fights with another, then they make an alliance, then they go back to fighting each other.
Mexico’s Priests Are Marked for Murder|Jason McGahan|January 7, 2015|DAILY BEAST
The book details his confrontations with neoconservatives, and his alliance with Condoleezza Rice.
The Best Memoirs of 2014|William O’Connor|December 9, 2014|DAILY BEAST
That alliance between the spy agency and the military, forged in Iraq, would forever change the way America fights wars.
How the NSA Became a Killing Machine|Shane Harris|November 9, 2014|DAILY BEAST
An amended bill eventually passed that created a new board without all the power Mitchell and the Alliance had sought.
At This Creepy Libertarian Charter School, Kids Must Swear ‘to Be Obedient to Those in Authority’|ProPublica|October 15, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The alliance between America and rebel forces has been strained by the U.S. refusal to directly attack the Assad regime.
Al Qaeda Makes a Play for the U.S. Allies the War Against ISIS Depends On|Jacob Siegel|September 29, 2014|DAILY BEAST
If now the excess is on the side of the Franco-Russian alliance, the danger is still the same.
The Kingdom of God is Within You / Christianity and Patriotism / Miscellanies|Lev N. Tolstoy
Commercially this was of first-rate importance, while politically it counterbalanced the alliance of the Bourbon courts.
The Political History of England - Vol. X.|William Hunt
This certainty of Rachel's future alliance with himself had made such things impossibly absurd.
The Duchess of Wrexe|Hugh Walpole
He got Picardy and the counties of Macon and Auxerre as the price of his change of alliance.
A History of England|Charles Oman
He made an alliance with hostile tribes of Indians, and again attacked the city.
Discoverers and Explorers|Edward R. Shaw
British Dictionary definitions for alliance (1 of 2)
/ (əˈlaɪəns) /
the act of allying or state of being allied; union; confederation
a formal agreement or pact, esp a military one, between two or more countries to achieve a particular aim
the countries involved in such an agreement
a union between families through marriage
affinity or correspondence in qualities or characteristics
botanya taxonomic category consisting of a group of related families; subclass
Word Origin for alliance
C13: from Old French aliance, from alier to ally
British Dictionary definitions for alliance (2 of 2)
/ (əˈlaɪəns) /
noun(in Britain)
the Alliancethe Social Democratic Party and the Liberal Party acting or regarded as a political entity from 1981 to 1988