Theater. a seemingly miraculous change in the appearance of scenery or actors in view of the audience.
Logic.Also called transform. one of a set of algebraic formulas used to express the relations between elements, sets, etc., that form parts of a given system.
the act, process, or result of transforming or mapping.
function (def. 4a).
transformational rule.
the process by which deep structures are converted into surface structures using transformational rules.
Genetics. the transfer of genetic material from one cell to another resulting in a genetic change in the recipient cell.
a wig or hairpiece for a woman.
Origin of transformation
1400–50; late Middle English <Late Latin trānsfōrmātiōn- (stem of trānsfōrmātiō) change of shape. See trans-, formation
Wilson’s renormalization group describes a transformation from a theory of building blocks into a theory of structures.
How Mathematical ‘Hocus-Pocus’ Saved Particle Physics|Charlie Wood|September 17, 2020|Quanta Magazine
To reflect this wave of transformation, we decided that we needed to embrace change in this year’s 40 Under 40.
Introducing Fortune’s all-new 40 Under 40 list—and how it’s different this year|Rachel Schallom|September 2, 2020|Fortune
Gibson says that what we’re witnessing in Carrds and Linktree alike is the transformation of social media from a personality-focused to an anti-influencer mentality.
The internet of protest is being built on single-page websites|Tanya Basu|August 27, 2020|MIT Technology Review
Hegde has had an interesting transformation over the course of his career.
Why an Amazon and Airbnb vet joined a digital health company that wants to slash drug prices|Sy Mukherjee|August 24, 2020|Fortune
However, the situation the world now faces requires cross-sector, future-focused innovation and provides opportunities to make transformation happen much more quickly.
COVID-19 has spurred rapid transformation in health care. Let’s make sure it stays that way|jakemeth|August 20, 2020|Fortune
And much of the credit to her transformation is owed to a finishing school that caters to women just like her.
Inside A Finishing School for Transwomen|Sharon Adarlo|December 27, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The Transformation Journey How did this transformation happen?
The Science of Ingredient Innovation||December 15, 2014|DAILY BEAST
It is a transformation that is undetectable to anyone not paying close attention.
Instead, we see there is a painfully innocent happiness to Rene about her spiritual “transformation.”
Mississippi Is Hell for These Lesbians|Emily Shire|August 8, 2014|DAILY BEAST
That transformation of the brand seems now to have its apotheosis in the arrival of the Tour de France.
A British Start to the Tour de France Forces the English to Wonder: What Does Being English Mean Anymore?|Clive Irving|July 6, 2014|DAILY BEAST
He had by Monk's advice visited Charles at Breda, and some suppose that the first interview completed the transformation.
Claverhouse|Mowbray Morris
That which was once the serpentine walk is now in a state of transformation, and is already become as woody as the rest.
The Works of William Cowper|William Cowper
The story does not say what he expected to gain by choosing this particular animal for transformation purposes.
Human Animals|Frank Hamel
At transformation these muscles entirely disappear, becoming fattily degenerated and then absorbed.
The Origin of Vertebrates|Walter Holbrook Gaskell
It is difficult to conceive of such a transformation taking place almost within a generation.
The Old World and Its Ways|William Jennings Bryan
British Dictionary definitions for transformation
/ (ˌtrænsfəˈmeɪʃən) /
a change or alteration, esp a radical one
the act of transforming or the state of being transformed
a change in position or direction of the reference axes in a coordinate system without an alteration in their relative angle
an equivalent change in an expression or equation resulting from the substitution of one set of variables by another
physicsa change in an atomic nucleus to a different nuclide as the result of the emission of either an alpha-particle or a beta-particleCompare transition (def. 5)
linguistics another word for transformational rule
an apparently miraculous change in the appearance of a stage set
(in South Africa) a national strategy aimed at attaining national unity, promoting reconciliation through negotiated settlement and non-racism
The genetic alteration of a bacteria cell by the introduction of DNA from another cell or from a virus. Plasmids, which contain extrachromosomal DNA, are used to transform bacteria in recombinant DNA research.
The change undergone by an animal cell upon infection by a cancer-causing virus.