[ tran-zish -uh -nl, ‐sish ‐ ] SHOW IPA
/ trænˈzɪʃ ə nl, ‐ˈsɪʃ‐ / PHONETIC RESPELLING
adjective of or relating to a transition from one position, state, stage, subject, concept, etc., to another: transitional governments; transitional housing for the homeless.
tran·si·tion·ar·y [tran-zish -uh -ner-ee, ‐sish ‐] /trænˈzɪʃ əˌnɛr i, ‐ˈsɪʃ‐/ .
Origin of transitional First recorded in 1830–35; transition + -al1
OTHER WORDS FROM transitional tran·si·tion·al·ly, adverb non·tran·si·tion·al, adjective Words nearby transitional transitable, transit camp, transit circle, transit instrument, transition, transitional , transitional cell carcinoma, transitional denture, transitional epithelium, transitional zone, transition area
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020
Example sentences from the Web for transitional Was that a transitional moment for you from music to comedy?
Coffee Talk with Fred Armisen: On ‘Portlandia,’ Meeting Obama, and Taylor Swift’s Greatness | Marlow Stern| January 7, 2015| DAILY BEAST
Failing to forge lasting stability would leave us, this author and his like-minded aides, to call for a Transitional Council.
The Nuclear Deal That Iran’s Regime Fears Most | Djavad Khadem| November 22, 2014| DAILY BEAST
A transitional government was elected and a national dialogue took place to address key grievances.
Yemen’s a Model All Right—For Disaster | Michael Shank , Casey Harrity| November 14, 2014| DAILY BEAST
Industry will then, under the proposed rules, have a two-year transitional period over which to comply with the new requirements.
Guess Who Doesn’t Want You to Know How Much Added Sugar Is in Your Food | Tim Mak| July 19, 2014| DAILY BEAST
During the transitional phase, board members Allan Mayer and David Danziger will reign as co-chairmen of the board.
His Reputation Precedes Him: Dov Charney’s Blacklist | Justin Jones| June 19, 2014| DAILY BEAST
The unusually fine chancel arch is Transitional ; the chancel itself is probably early fourteenth–century work.
Warwickshire | Clive Holland
The south doorway is Transitional Norman, and is supposed to have been added about 1180.
The Evolution Of An English Town | Gordon Home
Cases of splenectomy of this kind are transitional to the chronic diseases of the spleen.
Histology of the Blood | Paul Ehrlich
We were brought face to face with that transitional phase of society and pacific revolution, of happiest augury for the future.
In the Heart of Vosges | Matilda Betham-Edwards
We find, moreover, that not all Transitional structures had "cells."
Virginia Architecture in the Seventeenth Century | Henry Chandlee Forman
Words related to transitional conditional, interim, temporary, protean, unsettled, varying, capricious, unpredictable, fickle, unstable, volatile, mercurial, fluctuating, shifting, intervening, medium, central, center, fair, average