a person or thing that boosts, especially an energetic and enthusiastic supporter.
Electricity. a device connected in series with a current for increasing or decreasing the nominal circuit voltage.
Railroads. any machine, device, phenomenon, etc., that helps to move a train, as a tailwind, downgrade, roller bearings, or especially a helper locomotive.
Military. an explosive more powerful than a primer, for ensuring the detonation of the main charge of a shell.
a rocket engine used as the principal source of thrust in the takeoff of a rocket or missile.
the first stage containing this engine and its fuel supply, which may or may not be detached from the rocket when the fuel has been consumed.
Medicine/Medical.Also called booster dose,booster shot . a dose of an immunizing substance given to maintain or renew the effect of a previous one.
Pharmacology. a chemical compound, medicinal substance, or the like, that serves as a synergist.
a radio-frequency amplifier for connecting between a radio or television antenna and the receiving set to intensify the received signal.
an auxiliary pump, used in a pipeline or other system, to add to or maintain a prevailing amount of pressure or vacuum.
Slang. a shoplifter or petty thief.
Origin of booster
An Americanism dating back to 1885–90; boost + -er1
The Falcon 9 used for this launch is a rarity these days – a brand new vehicle, including a booster being used for the first time.
Watch SpaceX launch a GPS satellite for the U.S. Space Force live|Darrell Etherington|October 2, 2020|TechCrunch
It also held a fundraiser for the Boys & Girls Clubs of America, offered grants to local organizations and even funded its own booster group.
It’s His Land. Now a Canadian Company Gets to Take It.|by Lee van der Voo for ProPublica|October 1, 2020|ProPublica
Following the automated abort of the rocket at T-7 seconds, both the booster and its valuable National Reconnaissance Office payload were said to be safe.
Delta IV Heavy scrubs again, ULA chief vows to change readiness operations|Eric Berger|October 1, 2020|Ars Technica
He left Louisville early after being accused of using a Honda Accord given to his father by a booster.
Kobe Bryant Punched A Teammate Over $100, And It Wasn’t Shaq|Jeff Pearlman|September 25, 2020|FiveThirtyEight
Because the body may develop antibodies to the adenovirus carrying the spike protein, a booster shot with that same virus might be rendered useless.
Here’s what we know about Russia’s unverified coronavirus vaccine|Tina Hesman Saey|August 11, 2020|Science News
There is a set of booster vaccines at about kindergarten age, with a little bit of variation from practice to practice.
Jenny McCarthy Says She’s Never Been Anti-Vaccine. Yeah, Right.|Russell Saunders|April 16, 2014|DAILY BEAST
In the past, measles in the community effectively provided a booster for vaccinated people.
A Fully Vaccinated Woman Contracted and Then Spread Measles. WTF?|Elizabeth Lopatto|April 15, 2014|DAILY BEAST
But both are delivering a booster shot of testosterone to the GOP in a way few have managed to pull off of late.
Squishes, Step Aside: Ted Cruz and Chris Christie’s Old-School Manliness|Michelle Cottle|May 13, 2013|DAILY BEAST
One cop who worked on the case joked that they would need a booster seat for the defense table.
Families Decry Supreme Court Decision on Juvenile Life Without Parole|Michael Daly|June 26, 2012|DAILY BEAST
Booster programs supporting football and basketball at all colleges and universities should be banned.
Time to Kill Miami Football|Buzz Bissinger|August 19, 2011|DAILY BEAST
He supposed that either Peggy had given herself away, or that poor old "Booster" had found her out.
The Tree of Heaven|May Sinclair
He laid over and sliced into a mass of Messerschmitts ahead of him, opening his throttle wide and cutting in his booster.
A Yankee Flier with the R.A.F.|Rutherford G. Montgomery
A booster is a device which keeps the water hot up to the faucet (Fig. 75).
Mechanical Devices in the Home|Edith Louise Allen
The superheater, the arch, the booster, and the feed-water heater together vastly increase the power of the steam locomotive.
Our Railroads To-Morrow|Edward Hungerford
The booster supply was sufficient to take care of only a relatively small fraction of the toxic gas actually produced.
America's Munitions 1917-1918|Benedict Crowell
British Dictionary definitions for booster
/ (ˈbuːstə) /
a person or thing that supports, assists, or increases power or effectiveness
Also called: launch vehiclethe first stage of a multistage rocket
a radio-frequency amplifier connected between an aerial and a receiver to amplify weak incoming signals
a radio-frequency amplifier that amplifies incoming signals, retransmitting them at higher power
An additional dose of an immunizing agent, such as a vaccine or toxoid, given at a time after the initial dose to sustain the immune response elicited by the previous dose of the same agent.booster dosebooster shot
An additional dose of an immunizing agent, such as a vaccine or toxoid, given at a time period of weeks to years after the initial dose to sustain the immune response elicited by the first dose. Tetanus, diphtheria, and measles vaccines are commonly given in booster doses.