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[ boot-leg ] / ˈbutˌlɛg / SEE SYNONYMS FOR bootleg ON THESAURUS.COM
nounalcoholic liquor unlawfully made, sold, or transported, without registration or payment of taxes. the part of a boot that covers the leg. something, as a recording, made, reproduced, or sold illegally or without authorization: a flurry of bootlegs to cash in on the rock star's death. verb (used with object), boot·legged, boot·leg·ging.to deal in (liquor or other goods) unlawfully. verb (used without object), boot·legged, boot·leg·ging.to make, transport, or sell something, especially liquor, illegally or without registration or payment of taxes. adjectivemade, sold, or transported unlawfully. illegal or clandestine. of or relating to bootlegging. Origin of bootlegAn Americanism first recorded in 1625–35; boot1 + leg; secondary senses arose from practice of hiding a liquor bottle in the leg of one's boot OTHER WORDS FROM bootlegboot·leg·ger, nounWords nearby bootlegbootjack, bootlace, bootlace fungus, bootlace worm, Bootle, bootleg, bootlegged, bootlegger, bootleg play, bootless, bootlick Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for bootlegThe patrons repaid the mob by buying cheap liquor at premium prices, along with bootleg cigarettes and sometimes drugs. A True Tough Guy: The Mafia, Gays, and Michael Sam’s Boyfriend|Michael Daly|May 15, 2014|DAILY BEAST Some of them, we had no idea they existed—like the first Bootleg Series that we put out a few years ago, The Personal File. The Inside Story of Johnny Cash’s Legendary Lost LP, ‘Out Among the Stars’|Andrew Romano|March 18, 2014|DAILY BEAST But on the other side of the glass door, bootleg magic is being made. The Absinthe-Minded Porteños of Buenos Aires|Jeff Campagna|March 10, 2014|DAILY BEAST The “bootleg chemistry” results in a drug that is notoriously impure and often contains a lethal mix of toxins. Behind the Krokodil Panic|Abby Haglage|November 7, 2013|DAILY BEAST
A far more serious case involved eight former and present cops charged with smuggling guns and bootleg cigarettes. NYPD Scandals Obscure the Decency of the Majority, Cops Say|Michael Daly|November 11, 2011|DAILY BEAST At dawn he came down in a coast hamlet for bootleg petrol and oil. Astounding Stories of Super-Science, November, 1930|Various I'll sneak around to you in the mornin', when I go t' fetch me can of bootleg. Prison Memoirs of an Anarchist|Alexander Berkman Then it was that he slipped a card in the bootleg of Roche again. Young Wild West at "Forbidden Pass"|An Old Scout Then Artie took possession of the map placed in the bootleg. An Undivided Union|Oliver Optic It has been said that "a Wren will build in anything from a bootleg to a bomb-shell." Birds Illustrated by Color Photography, Vol 3. No 6, June 1898|Various
British Dictionary definitions for bootleg
verb -legs, -legging or -leggedto make, carry, or sell (illicit goods, esp alcohol) nounsomething made or sold illicitly, such as alcohol during Prohibition in the US an illegally made copy of a CD, tape, etc adjectiveproduced, distributed, or sold illicitlybootleg whisky; bootleg tapes Derived forms of bootlegbootlegger, nounWord Origin for bootlegC17: see boot 1, leg; from the practice of smugglers of carrying bottles of liquor concealed in their boots Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Words related to bootlegcontraband, illicit, unauthorized, pirated, smuggled, bootlegged, unlawful, unofficial, black-market, under-the-counter, unsanctioned |