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[ booz ] / buz / Informal.SEE SYNONYMS FOR booze ON THESAURUS.COM
nounany alcoholic beverage; whiskey. a drinking bout or spree. verb (used without object), boozed, booz·ing.to drink alcohol, especially to excess: He continued to booze until his health finally gave out. Idioms for boozebooze it up, to drink heavily and persistently.
Origin of booze1610–20; respelling of bouse2, reflecting one of its pronunciation variants OTHER WORDS FROM boozeboozer, nounWords nearby boozeboot up, booty, booty call, bootylicious, boo-word, booze, booze cruise, boozed-up, booze hag, boozehound, boozer Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for boozeCue heartbroken Galavant engorging himself on booze and mutton back home. ‘Galavant’: A Drunken, Horny Musical Fairy Tale|Melissa Leon|January 5, 2015|DAILY BEAST The Internet is like booze—a little bit gives you a pleasant buzz. 10 Things That Made Us Want to Turn Off the Internet Forever in 2014|The Daily Beast|December 15, 2014|DAILY BEAST Oregon and Alaska, like Colorado and Washington, will try their hand at regulating weed like booze. The Real Election Winner: Weed|Abby Haglage|November 5, 2014|DAILY BEAST The Founders had a sure-fire way to get out the vote: get out the booze. Founding Fathers Loved Drunk Voters|Kevin Bleyer|November 1, 2014|DAILY BEAST
He has engaged in numerous battles with booze, winning some and losing others. Football Great Bob Suffridge Wanders Through the End Zone of Life|Paul Hemphill|September 6, 2014|DAILY BEAST Pretty girl, nice family and everything, but she liked her booze and she liked to pet. The Plastic Age|Percy Marks "You fellers looks like you needed a drink of booze," said the man as we stepped ashore. The River and I|John G. Neihardt Probably just enough to fill up his wretched skin with booze, returned Jim. Baseball Joe in the World Series|Lester Chadwick Say—can't you loosen up for about three fingers more of that booze? Heart of the West|O. Henry Say--can't you loosen up for about three fingers more of that booze? Heart of the West|O. Henry
British Dictionary definitions for booze
nounalcoholic drink a drinking bout or party verb(usually intr) to drink (alcohol), esp in excess Derived forms of boozeboozed, adjectiveboozing, nounWord Origin for boozeC13: from Middle Dutch būsen Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Words related to boozealcohol, sauce, spirits, cocktail, hootch, hooch, hard liquor, hard stuff |