释义 |
nouna boy or youth. Informal. a familiar or affectionate term of address for a man; chap. British Horseracing Informal. a stable boy. Origin of lad1250–1300; Middle English ladde< ?; compare late Old English Ladda (nickname) OTHER WORDS FROM ladladdish, adjectiveladhood, nounWords nearby ladlacus, Lacus Solis, lacustrine, LACW, lacy, lad, Ladakh, ladanum, ladder, ladder back, ladder company Definition for lad (2 of 2)
abbreviation Psycholinguistics.language acquisition device. Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for ladTo release this feminist anthem through what is essentially a lad mag that guys read at barbershops? Jenny Lewis on 'The Voyager,' the End of Rilo Kiley, and High School Classmate Angelina Jolie|Marlow Stern|August 17, 2014|DAILY BEAST Unlike his conservative colleagues Michele Bachmann, Ron Paul, and perhaps his lad Rand, Gingrey endorsed mandatory vaccination. D.C. Moron Phil Gingrey Spread Ebola Fever Over Immigrants|Kent Sepkowitz|July 15, 2014|DAILY BEAST The other lad is my oldest mate in the world, Tom Freud, who must have been staying with us that weekend. The Controversial Kids’ Fashion Week|Tom Sykes|March 21, 2013|DAILY BEAST The boy nailed it, but Quayle called him back, telling the lad to “add one little bit on the end” and then sounded it out for him. From ‘Potatoe’ to ‘Amercia’: Politicos Preserve Disorder|Ben Jacobs|May 30, 2012|DAILY BEAST
As Bertie Wooster might say, a bit much to spring on a lad with a morning head. Oval Office Confidential|Christopher Buckley|October 5, 2009|DAILY BEAST It would kill the lad to bring him up, and as he is my patient, I have told him to stay below. Peter Trawl|W. H. G. Kingston "I hope you have made no mistake, my lad," anxiously said Captain Daly. Wizard Will|Prentiss Ingraham "Why, you've hardly tried your own mare at all," said the lad, reproachfully. Castle Richmond|Anthony Trollope Never in Barbier's memory had any Manchester lad so applied himself to learn French before. The History of David Grieve|Mrs. Humphry Ward The lad took it, but he could not speak: he held it and sobbed. Mrs. Falchion, Complete|Gilbert Parker
British Dictionary definitions for lad
nouna boy or young man informal a familiar form of address for any male a lively or dashing man or youth (esp in the phrase a bit of a lad) a young man whose behaviour is characteristic of male adolescents, esp in being rowdy, macho, or immature British a boy or man who looks after horses Word Origin for ladC13 ladde; perhaps of Scandinavian origin Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Words related to ladyoungster, fellow, schoolboy, boy, juvenile, buddy, son, youth, runt, child, guy, stripling, kid |