to divide or distribute by share or portion; distribute or parcel out; apportion: to allot the available farmland among the settlers.
to appropriate for a special purpose: to allot money for a park.
to assign as a portion; set apart; dedicate.
Origin of allot
1425–75; earlier alot,late Middle English alotten<Middle French aloter, equivalent to a-a-5 + lotlot (<Germanic ) + -er infinitive suffix
synonym study for allot
1. See assign.
al·lot·ta·ble,adjectiveal·lot·ter,nounmis·al·lot,verb (used with object),mis·al·lot·ted,mis·al·lot·ting.pre·al·lot,verb (used with object),pre·al·lot·ted,pre·al·lot·ting.
re·al·lot,verb (used with object),re·al·lot·ted,re·al·lot·ting.un·al·lot·ted,adjectivewell-al·lot·ted,adjective
The general rules of debate are that participants alternate in who is asked each question, and then respond to the points made by their opponent and offer their own arguments during their allotted time.
High school debates function way better than what America saw Tuesday night|jakemeth|October 1, 2020|Fortune
To find out which direction leads you back to your residence, you are allotted just one question for them to answer.
Can you expose the truth in these two riddles?|Claire Maldarelli|August 26, 2020|Popular Science
I can trust Time to allot me, like every other man, my proper place, or to cast me down if I have been unduly exalted heretofore.
Autobiographical Reminiscences with Family Letters and Notes on Music|Charles Gounod
And are you content that I should allot you a position in the wall?
The Irish Penny Journal, No. 2, Vol. I, July 11, 1840|Various
Special (p. 290) effort was made to allot men to forests more nearly resembling those they were used to at home.
The Story of the Great War, Volume VIII (of VIII)|various
What is the special significance of apportion by which it is distinguished from allot, assign, distribute, or divide?
English Synonyms and Antonyms|James Champlin Fernald
How do you know, sir, which partner fate and Mr. Bevan may allot you?
Cardigan|Robert W. Chambers
British Dictionary definitions for allot
/ (əˈlɒt) /
verb-lots, -lottingor-lotted(tr)
to assign or distribute (shares, etc)
to designate for a particular purposemoney was allotted to cover expenses
(foll by to)apportionwe allotted two hours to the case
Word Origin for allot
C16: from Old French aloter, from lot portion, lot