It is also the one worn by Presidents Eisenhower, Truman, and George W. Bush.
My Love Letter to the Stetson|Mark McKinnon|December 24, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Phil Hoffman had to transform himself into Truman Capote while Julia Roberts won for being brassy in Erin Brockovich.
Exclusive: Aaron Sorkin Thinks Male Film Roles Have Bigger ‘Degree of Difficulty’ Than Female Ones|William Boot|December 15, 2014|DAILY BEAST
President Truman established the National Security Agency two years later.
The Castration of Alan Turing, Britain’s Code-Breaking WWII Hero|Clive Irving|November 29, 2014|DAILY BEAST
FDR told him he should change parties, and Truman told him he should change parties.
This Republican Loved Taxes & Modern Art|Scott Porch|November 19, 2014|DAILY BEAST
He made no bones about his great admiration for FDR, who was his mentor, and he had roots too in the Truman administration.
This Republican Loved Taxes & Modern Art|Scott Porch|November 19, 2014|DAILY BEAST
In the first place the civil rights leaders underestimated the sincerity of Truman's reaction to the racial violence.
Integration of the Armed Forces, 1940-1965|Morris J. MacGregor, Jr.
He even looked pained; and Ida, conscious that she had unwittingly touched a sore spot, took up the strain Mr. Truman had broken.
Alone|Marion Harland
She would not for worlds have Truman Hanks suspect any special interest on her part.
A Christmas Accident and Other Stories|Annie Eliot Trumbull
Vain the rapid and telling fire opened upon herd and herders by Truman's men as they came within range.
Under Fire|Charles King
It was now definitely settled that his troop and Truman's were to remain indefinitely on duty at the agency.
Under Fire|Charles King
British Dictionary definitions for Truman
/ (ˈtruːmən) /
Harry S . 1884–1972, US Democratic statesman; 33rd president of the US (1945–53). He approved the dropping of the two atomic bombs on Japan (1945), advocated the postwar loan to Britain, and involved the US in the Korean War