[ truhmp ] SHOW IPA
noun Cards . any playing card of a suit that for the time outranks the other suits, such a card being able to take any card of another suit. Often trumps. (used with a singular verb ) the suit itself. Informal . a fine person; brick.
verb (used with object) Cards . to take with a trump.
to excel; surpass; outdo.
verb (used without object) Cards . to play a trump. to take a trick with a trump. Verb Phrases trump up, to devise deceitfully or dishonestly, as an accusation; fabricate: Try as they might, they were unable to trump up a convincing case against him.
Origin of trump 1 First recorded in 1520–30; unexplained variant of triumph
OTHER WORDS FROM trump trumpless, adjective Words nearby trump Truman, Harry S., Truman-MacArthur controversy, Trumbo, Trumbull, trumeau, trump , trump card, trumped-up, Trumpeldor, trumpery, trumpet
Definition for trump (2 of 3) [ truhmp ] SHOW IPA
Literary .verb (used without object) Origin of trump 2 1250–1300; (noun) Middle English trompe <Old French <Old High German trumpa, variant of trumba trumpet; (v.) Middle English trompen <Old French tromper, derivative of trompe
Definition for trump (3 of 3) [ truhmp ] SHOW IPA
noun Donald J(ohn) born 1946, 45th president of the U.S. since 2017.
Me·la·ni·a [muh -lah -nee-uh ] /məˈlɑ ni ə/ Melanija Knavs , born 1970, U.S. First Lady since 2017 (wife of Donald J. Trump). Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020
Example sentences from the Web for trump In August, Trump filed a lawsuit to have his name removed from the casino and from the nearby, since-closed Trump Plaza.
I Watched a Casino Kill Itself: The Awful Last Nights of Atlantic City’s Taj Mahal | Olivia Nuzzi| December 8, 2014| DAILY BEAST
Trump even gave Jackson a personal tour of the venue, with television cameras in tow.
I Watched a Casino Kill Itself: The Awful Last Nights of Atlantic City’s Taj Mahal | Olivia Nuzzi| December 8, 2014| DAILY BEAST
I am watching the sunrise from the 39th floor of the Trump Taj Mahal in Atlantic City, New Jersey.
I Watched a Casino Kill Itself: The Awful Last Nights of Atlantic City’s Taj Mahal | Olivia Nuzzi| December 8, 2014| DAILY BEAST
In 2010, Trump again said he was “being serious” about considering a run—this time as a Republican.
Trump Is ‘Thinking About’ a Run at the White House Again | Olivia Nuzzi| December 2, 2014| DAILY BEAST
Friendship is the trump card in the movement for equality, not etiology.
The Problematic Hunt for a ‘Gay Gene’ | Samantha Allen| November 20, 2014| DAILY BEAST
There is absolutely no reason for you to fret one single instant because of the lies a blackmailer chooses to trump up.
The Heart of a Woman | Emmuska Orczy, Baroness Orczy
He was not the most perfect creature in the world, but Claire, his wife—his widow, I mean—is a trump .
From Place to Place | Irvin S. Cobb
She was still in bed and she felt low-spirited, full of fear that her trump would not make.
A Bed of Roses | W. L. George
For camp and trump and clarion some have zest,— The cruel wars the mothers so detest.
Echoes from the Sabine Farm | Roswell Martin Field and Eugene Field
There shall he lie till the great blare of Heaven's trump call good and ill to judgment.
The Fall Of The Grand Sarrasin | William J. Ferrar
British Dictionary definitions for trump (1 of 2) noun Also called: trump card any card from the suit chosen as trumps this suit itself; trumps Also called: trump card a decisive or advantageous move, resource, action, etc
informal a fine or reliable person
verb to play a trump card on (a suit, or a particular card of a suit, that is not trumps)
(tr) to outdo or surpass
See also trumps, trump up
Derived forms of trump trumpless , adjective Word Origin for trump C16: variant of triumph
British Dictionary definitions for trump (2 of 2) / (trʌmp ) archaic , or literary /
noun a trumpet or the sound produced by one
the last trump the final trumpet call that according to the belief of some will awaken and raise the dead on the Day of Judgment
verb (intr) to produce a sound upon or as if upon the trumpet
(tr) to proclaim or announce with or as if with a fanfare
(intr) British slang to expel intestinal gas through the anus
Word Origin for trump C13: from Old French trompe , from Old High German trumpa trumpet; compare trombone
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Idioms and Phrases with trump In addition to the idioms beginning with trump
also see:
hold all the aces (trumps) turn up trumps SEE MORE ORIGINS SEE FEWER ORIGINS
The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.
Content related to trump The Signature Words Of President TrumpWith so much talk about President Trump's talk, what words does he seem to favor? We've rounded up some noteworthy—and some puzzling—ones.
Words related to trump outdo, overtake, precedence, prevalence, influence, supremacy, leeway, utility, prestige, wealth, profit, improvement, avail, favor, asset, dominance, resources, boon, choice, protection