The backward tug of this material’s gravity then causes the cluster to plunge closer and closer to the galactic center.
The Milky Way’s most massive star cluster may have eaten a smaller cluster|Ken Croswell|September 29, 2020|Science News
For designers, though, possibly the most intriguing aspect of the Tik Tok tug-of-war is the report, first floated in the New York Times, that the leading candidate for CEO of the restructured entity is Instagram co-founder Kevin Systrom.
How would Instagram co-founder Kevin Systrom redesign TikTok as CEO?|claychandler|September 22, 2020|Fortune
Foundational theories of morality have been locked in a perennial tug of war.
The Universe Knows Right from Wrong - Issue 89: The Dark Side|Philip Goff|September 9, 2020|Nautilus
Foundational theories of morality have been locked in a perennial tug of war between the supernaturalism of Plato and the naturalism of his opponents.
The Universe Knows Right from Wrong - Issue 89: The Dark Side|Philip Goff|September 9, 2020|Nautilus
Each star tends to keep the disk aligned with itself, and the tug-of-war warped and sheared the disk, and twisted the inner ring even further.
A weirdly warped planet-forming disk circles a distant trio of stars|Lisa Grossman|September 3, 2020|Science News
These men and women will no doubt cause a tug a war in time.
Up To Speed: The Cuba Embargo|Nina Strochlic|December 18, 2014|DAILY BEAST
But since then it has been subject to a tug of war with the CIA.
Ex-CIA Top Lawyer: Release the ‘Black Site’ Report|Eli Lake|March 14, 2014|DAILY BEAST
After this Euro-Russian tug of war, the sparks ignited in Kiev and Moscow.
Cut the Baloney on Ukraine|Leslie H. Gelb|March 9, 2014|DAILY BEAST
We must win the tug of war for these men, even if the battle is with the United Nations.
Italian Pirate-Fighting Marines On Trial|Barbie Latza Nadeau|February 14, 2014|DAILY BEAST
“There is a tug of war between House Republicans who care about 2014 and national Republicans who care about 2016,” he said.
Immigration Reform Advocates, Foes to Target House GOP During Recess|Patricia Murphy|August 1, 2013|DAILY BEAST
He felt a tug at his sleeve and heard the gruff voice of the cabby.
The Web of the Golden Spider|Frederick Orin Bartlett
To his great delight he found the plan to answer, for before long he felt a tug, and drew in a good-sized fish.
Middy and Ensign|G. Manville Fenn
There's only one tug in port, and she is not in sea-going trim, so we've got a good start of any search party.
The Ebbing Of The Tide|Louis Becke
For some minutes there was no sound save the subdued thunder of the hull as it trembled under the tug of the rockets.
The Metal Moon|Everett C. Smith
Even in that sheltered harbor, to judge by the faint oscillations of her masts, she felt the tug of the waters around her keel.
McClure's Magazine, Vol 31, No 2, June 1908|Various
British Dictionary definitions for tug
/ (tʌɡ) /
verbtugs, tuggingortugged
(when intr, sometimes foll by at) to pull or drag with sharp or powerful movementsthe boy tugged at the door handle
(tr)to tow (a vessel) by means of a tug
(intr)to work; toil
a strong pull or jerkhe gave the rope a tug
Also called: tugboat, towboata boat with a powerful engine, used for towing barges, ships, etc