

单词 lese majesty

lese majesty

[ leez-maj-uh-stee, lez ]
/ ˈliz ˈmædʒ ə sti, ˈlɛz /


  1. a crime, especially high treason, committed against the sovereign power.
  2. an offense that violates the dignity of a ruler.
an attack on any custom, institution, belief, etc., held sacred or revered by numbers of people: Her speech against Mother's Day was criticized as lese majesty.
Also lèse maj·es·ty, lèse maj·es·té [lez-mah-juh-stey; lez-maj-uh-stee, leez-maj-uh-stee]. /ˈlɛz ˈmɑ dʒəˈsteɪ; ˈlɛz ˈmædʒ ə sti, ˈliz ˈmædʒ ə sti/.

Origin of lese majesty

First recorded in 1530–40; partial translation of Anglo-French, Middle French lese majesté, leze magesté, from Latin (crīmen) laesae mājestātis “(the crime) of injured majesty” (originally against the Roman people, later against the emperor)

Words nearby lese majesty

lesche, Leschetizky, Lesch-Nyhan syndrome, Lescol, Les Demoiselles d'Avignon, lese majesty, Lesghian, Les Gueux, Les Halles, lesion, Leslie
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020

Example sentences from the Web for lese majesty

  • Got to have a finger in some political pie, and political pies in Russia before the war were lese-majesty.

    The Drums Of Jeopardy|Harold MacGrath
  • How could they, when they saw in the temper of the people too plain proofs that their lese-majesty had borne evil fruit?

    The Expositor's Bible:The Book of Numbers|Robert A. Watson
  • They have conquered you already, as they boast, for the crime of lese-majesty has placed you at their mercy.

    The Rise of the Dutch Republic, Volume III.(of III) 1574-84|John Lothrop Motley

British Dictionary definitions for lese majesty

/ (ˈliːzˈmædʒɪstɪ) /


any of various offences committed against the sovereign power in a state; treason
an attack on authority or position

Word Origin for lese-majesty

C16: from French lèse majesté, from Latin laesa mājestās wounded majesty
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012




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