

单词 twelve-tone


[ twelv-tohn ]
/ ˈtwɛlvˈtoʊn /

adjective Music.

based on or incorporating the twelve-tone technique: twelve-tone music.
using or advocating the twelve-tone technique: a twelve-tone composer.

Origin of twelve-tone

First recorded in 1935–40

Words nearby twelve-tone

twelve pitch, Twelver, Twelve Step, twelve-string guitar, Twelve Tables, twelve-tone, twelve-tone row, twelve-tone technique, twentieth, Twentieth Amendment, twenty
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020

British Dictionary definitions for twelve-tone



of, relating to, or denoting the type of serial music invented and developed by Arnold Schoenberg, which uses as musical material a tone row formed by the 12 semitones of the chromatic scale, together with its inverted and retrograde versions. The technique has been applied in various ways by different composers and usually results in music in which there are few, if any, tonal centresSee serialism
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