单词 | liege |
释义 | liege[ leej, leezh ] / lidʒ, liʒ / SEE SYNONYMS FOR liege ON THESAURUS.COM nouna feudal lord entitled to allegiance and service. a feudal vassal or subject. adjectiveowing primary allegiance and service to a feudal lord. pertaining to the relation between a feudal vassal and lord. loyal; faithful: the liege adherents of a cause. Origin of liege1250–1300; Middle English <Old French li(e)ge ≪ Germanic *lēt- vassal + Latin -icus-ic; compare Medieval Latin lētī barbarians allowed to settle on Roman land (<Germanic; perhaps akin to let1), laeticus for *lēticus, derivative of lētī Words nearby liegelieder, Liederkranz, lie detector, lie-down, lief, liege, liegeman, Liegnitz, Lie group, lie-in, lie in state Definition for liege (2 of 2)Liège [ lee-eyzh; French lyezh ] / liˈeɪʒ; French lyɛʒ / nouna city in E Belgium, on the Meuse River: one of the first cities attacked in World War I. a province in E Belgium. 1,521 sq. mi. (3,940 sq. km). Capital: Liège. Flemish Luik. Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for liegeBritish Dictionary definitions for liege (1 of 2)liege / (liːdʒ) / adjective(of a lord) owed feudal allegiance (esp in the phrase liege lord) (of a vassal or servant) owing feudal allegiancea liege subject of or relating to the relationship or bond between liege lord and liegemanliege homage faithful; loyal nouna liege lord a liegeman or true subject Word Origin for liegeC13: from Old French lige, from Medieval Latin līticus, from lītus, laetus serf, of Germanic origin British Dictionary definitions for liege (2 of 2)Liège / (lɪˈeɪʒ, French ljɛʒ) / nouna province of E Belgium: formerly a principality of the Holy Roman Empire, much larger than the present-day province. Pop: 1 029 605 (2004 est). Area: 3877 sq km (1497 sq miles) a city in E Belgium, capital of Liège province: the largest French-speaking city in Belgium; river port and industrial centre. Pop: 185 488 (2004 est) Flemish name: Luik Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 |
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