the final, utmost, or furthest boundary or point as to extent, amount, continuance, procedure, etc.: the limit of his experience; the limit of vision.
a boundary or bound, as of a country, area, or district.
a number such that the value of a given function remains arbitrarily close to this number when the independent variable is sufficiently close to a specified point or is sufficiently large. The limit of 1/x is zero as x approaches infinity; the limit of (x − 1)2 is zero as x approaches 1.
a number such that the absolute value of the difference between terms of a given sequence and the number approaches zero as the index of the terms increases to infinity.
one of two numbers affixed to the integration symbol for a definite integral, indicating the interval or region over which the integration is taking place and substituted in a primitive, if one exists, to evaluate the integral.
limits,the premises or region enclosed within boundaries: We found them on school limits after hours.
Games. the maximum sum by which a bet may be raised at any one time.
the limit,Informal. something or someone that exasperates, delights, etc., to an extreme degree: You have made errors before, but this is the limit.
verb (used with object)
to restrict by or as if by establishing limits (usually followed by to): Please limit answers to 25 words.
to confine or keep within limits: to limit expenditures.
Law. to fix or assign definitely or specifically.
Origin of limit
1325–75; Middle English lymyt<Latin līmit- (stem of līmes) boundary, path between fields
2 confine, frontier, border.
8 restrain, bound.
lim·it·a·ble,adjectivelim·it·a·ble·ness,nouno·ver·lim·it,verb (used with object)re·lim·it,verb (used with object)
un·der·lim·it,nounun·der·lim·it,verb (used with object)
However, Texas maintains strict limits on who can vote by mail.
Trump contradicts CDC director on vaccine; Biden says Americans shouldn’t trust Trump|Colby Itkowitz, Felicia Sonmez, John Wagner|September 16, 2020|Washington Post
The reality is that SEO agencies have versatile profiles which support them in a particular market, but can become limits for other types of development.
How would an SEO agency be built today? Part 2: Current business model(s)|Sponsored Content: SEOmonitor|September 16, 2020|Search Engine Land
Of all of the restrictions, the most impactful has been the off-limit “target area” – a precise locations that is off limits to individuals named on the gang injunction.
While We’re Rethinking Policing, It’s Time to End Gang Injunctions|Jamie Wilson|September 15, 2020|Voice of San Diego
Moreover, for all the social neediness of others that Terry had bathed in, his sudden disclosures suggested his time for listening had reached a limit.
The Last Bar Standing?|Eugene Robinson|September 15, 2020|Ozy
Chemical clues within these superdeep diamonds suggest that there’s a previously unknown limit to how deep Earth’s carbon cycle goes.
Earth’s rarest diamonds form from primordial carbon in the mantle|Carolyn Gramling|September 14, 2020|Science News
Environmentalists today generally prefer to limit roads and block new water projects, even in parched California.
Time to Bring Back the Truman Democrats|Joel Kotkin|December 21, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The argument now is how to limit certain types of plays that banks can make under certain circumstances.
How Naive is Elizabeth Warren?|Nick Gillespie|December 18, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The foremost trendsetter of Scandi-sleek design and New Nordic food knows no limit to its progressive reputation.
The Ultimate LGBT Travel Bucket List||December 12, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The sky is not the limit; beliefs still must be sincere and connected to some for-real source.
In Florida, ’Tis The Season for Satan|Jay Michaelson|December 7, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Like boxers, every missile has a reach, a range, a limit to how far it can hit.
Pentagon Worries That Russia Can Now Outshoot U.S. Stealth Jets|Dave Majumdar|December 4, 2014|DAILY BEAST
To such a policy there was no limit in national conscience, any more than in his.
The Evolution of States|J. M. Robertson
For her ears had been closed against the band, and she had forgotten the limit she had mentally put to her indecision.
In the Wilderness|Robert Hichens
On the night of the dance he had barely kept within the limit of decent behavior.
Lonesome Land|B. M. Bower
No limit: it is one of the affectations of architects to speak of overcharged ornament.
The Seven Lamps of Architecture|John Ruskin
Seventy or seventy-five thousand dollars, besides your house and barn money, shall be my limit.
The Fat of the Land|John Williams Streeter
British Dictionary definitions for limit
/ (ˈlɪmɪt) /
(sometimes plural)the ultimate extent, degree, or amount of somethingthe limit of endurance
(often plural)the boundary or edge of a specific areathe city limits
(often plural)the area of premises within specific boundaries
the largest quantity or amount allowed
a value to which a function f(x) approaches as closely as desired as the independent variable approaches a specified value (x = a) or approaches infinity
a value to which a sequence a n approaches arbitrarily close as n approaches infinity
the limit of a sequence of partial sums of a convergent infinite seriesthe limit of 1 + ½ + ¼ + ⅛ + … is 2
mathsone of the two specified values between which a definite integral is evaluated
the limitinformala person or thing that is intolerably exasperating
off limits
out of bounds
forbidden to do or usesmoking was off limits everywhere
within limitsto a certain or limited extentI approve of it within limits
verb-its, -itingor-ited(tr)
to restrict or confine, as to area, extent, time, etc
A number or point for which, from a given set of numbers or points, one can choose an arbitrarily close number or point. For example, for the set of all real numbers greater than zero and less than one, the numbers one and zero are limit points, since one can pick a number from the set arbitrarily close to one or zero (even though one and zero are not themselves in the set). Limits form the basis for calculus, where a number L is defined to be the limit approached by a function f(x) as x approaches a if, for every positive number ε, there exists a number δ such that |;f(x)-L|; < ε if 0 < |;x-a|; < δ.