[ lim -uh -zeen, lim-uh -zeen ] SHOW IPA
/ ˈlɪm əˌzin, ˌlɪm əˈzin / PHONETIC RESPELLING
noun any large, luxurious automobile, especially one driven by a chauffeur.
a large sedan or small bus, especially one for transporting passengers to and from an airport, between train stations, etc.
a former type of automobile having a permanently enclosed compartment for from three to five persons, with a roof projecting forward over the driver's seat in front.
Origin of limousine 1900–05; <French: kind of motorcar, special use of limousine long cloak, so called because worn by the shepherds of Limousin
Words nearby limousine Limoges, Limón, limonene, limonite, Limousin, limousine , limousine liberal, limp, limpet, limpid, limpkin
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020
Example sentences from the Web for limousine "She looked me in the eye," one limousine driver recalled, surprised and grateful.
The Day the Fairytale Died | Marilyn Johnson| July 12, 2014| DAILY BEAST
Abdi worked with his brother in a mobile phone store, as a DJ, and most recently, a limousine driver.
Barkhad Abdi: From Limo Driver to Oscar Contender | Tim Teeman| February 23, 2014| DAILY BEAST
Knowing of their poverty, Jackson even sent a limousine to drive the entire family.
Gavin Arvizo’s New Beginning: Jackson Abuse Accuser Gets Married at 24 | Diane Dimond| December 9, 2013| DAILY BEAST
When Edie took her limousine downtown to join them, they found her perfectly capable of holding her own.
Bob Dylan and the Writing of ‘Blonde on Blonde’ at the Chelsea Hotel | Sherill Tippins| December 3, 2013| DAILY BEAST
The limousine was a couple hundred yards from the western end of the bridge when it went up in flames.
Still No Explanation for Horrific Limo Fire | Christine Pelisek| May 6, 2013| DAILY BEAST
"All the 'blowouts' I ever heard of were in the tires of our limousine car," she continued, musingly.
The Reclaimers | Margaret Hill McCarter
At the end of the tunnel a car that looks like a limousine turned switch-engine is waiting on a siding for the boss of the job.
Heroes of To-Day | Mary R. Parkman
An hour ago I saw Togrul Khan in a limousine and chased him in a taxi.
The Slayer Of souls | Robert Chambers
In the street outside, among a group of half a dozen automobiles, he recognised the General's limousine car.
The Moneychangers | Upton Sinclair
They drew away from the limousine so quickly that in thirty seconds its headlights were all that marked its stand.
Alias The Lone Wolf | Louis Joseph Vance
British Dictionary definitions for limousine / (ˈlɪməˌziːn , ˌlɪməˈziːn ) /
noun any large and luxurious car, esp one that has a glass division between the driver and passengers
a former type of car in which the roof covering the rear seats projected over the driver's compartment
Word Origin for limousine C20: from French, literally: cloak (originally one worn by shepherds in Limousin ), hence later applied to the car
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Words related to limousine transportation, auto, van, truck, bus, convertible, sports car, taxi, station wagon, pickup truck, wagon, ride, machine, motor, automobile, jeep, compact, lemon, wreck, buggy