Here, then, is the position of Mr. Lincoln set forth with deliberation and care.
History of the Negro Race in America from 1619 to 1880. Vol. 2 (of 2)|George Washington Williams
Mr. Lincoln discard his logical faculties and reason with his heart?
Abraham Lincoln: Was He A Christian?|John B. Remsburg
In these debates Lincoln often seemed like one transfigured—carried away by his own eloquence and the force of his conviction.
The Every-day Life of Abraham Lincoln|Francis Fisher Browne
At his urgent invitation Lincoln visited him in the summer of 1841.
McClure's Magazine, Vol. 6, No. 5, April, 1896|Various
About this time Lincoln began to extend somewhat his system—if he really ever had a system in anything—of reading.'
Abraham Lincoln, Volume 1 (of 2)|William H. Herndon
British Dictionary definitions for Lincoln (1 of 2)
/ (ˈlɪŋkən) /
a city in E central England, administrative centre of Lincolnshire: an important ecclesiastical and commercial centre in the Middle Ages; Roman ruins, a castle (founded by William the Conqueror) and a famous cathedral (begun in 1086). Pop: 85 963 (2001)Latin name: Lindum (ˈlɪndəm)
a city in SE Nebraska: state capital; University of Nebraska (1869). Pop: 235 594 (2003 est)
short for Lincolnshire
a breed of long-woolled sheep, originally from Lincolnshire
British Dictionary definitions for Lincoln (2 of 2)
/ (ˈlɪŋkən) /
Abraham. 1809–65, US Republican statesman; 16th president of the US. His fame rests on his success in saving the Union in the Civil War (1861–65) and on his emancipation of slaves (1863); assassinated by John Wilkes Booth