The intention is to make the public and policymakers WUI literate and provide science and tools that could lead to the creation of cost-effective solutions, so we don’t keep repeating the same tragic, expensive mistakes.
California Will Keep Burning. But Housing Policy Is Making It Worse.|by Elizabeth Weil and Mollie Simon|October 2, 2020|ProPublica
Pointing out that Nick Denton writes and speaks like a literate adult and not like a 14-year-old in remedial English.
Rage Against GamerGate’s Hate Machine: What I Got For Speaking Up|Arthur Chu|November 17, 2014|DAILY BEAST
That would be fascism—but the “eloquent” and literate cadena is freedom.
The Stupidest Hugo Chávez Hagiographies From the Yanquis Who Loved Him|Michael Moynihan|March 7, 2013|DAILY BEAST
But only the literate imagination can bring them back to life.
Writing For Teens Vs. Adults: Rowling As Case Study|Seth Lerer|October 3, 2012|DAILY BEAST
Her humor was New York humor, layered and tangy with irony; chewy and Jewish and deadpan and literate.
Remembering Nora Ephron as Our Dorothy Parker, but More|Stephen Schiff|June 27, 2012|DAILY BEAST
Only 13 percent of women are literate (compared with almost 33 percent of men).
Afghan Women Fear Backsliding As President Karzai Negotiates With Taliban|Magsie Hamilton-Little|February 19, 2012|DAILY BEAST
Such of them as were literate enough to send in their votes were almost unanimously against a change.
The American Language|Henry L. Mencken
And only the other day a literate man from Saratoff called on me who had evidently gone out of his mind over this very question.
The Kingdom of God is Within You, What is Art|Lyof N. Tolstoi
Literacy, as a socially encompassing ideal, states that people should be literate because people think in language.
The Civilization of Illiteracy|Mihai Nadin
Literacy forces certain assumptions upon us: Literate parents educate literate children.
The Civilization of Illiteracy|Mihai Nadin
Pink-faced, lightly wrinkled, Joe could shift at will from a glorified valet to a literate old man.
The Trial of Callista Blake|Edgar Pangborn
British Dictionary definitions for literate
/ (ˈlɪtərɪt) /
able to read and write
educated; learned
used to words rather than numbers as a means of expressionCompare numerate