This warning system will also need to communicate hurricanes' increasing intensity, related to the temperature underneath the storm.
Slow, meandering hurricanes are often more dangerous—and they’re getting more common|Greta Moran|September 9, 2020|Popular Science
Physicist Emmanuel Fort and colleagues observed this effect by injecting a layer of gas underneath either silicone oil or glycerol and shaking the container.
Toy boats float upside down underneath a layer of levitated liquid|Maria Temming|September 2, 2020|Science News
It would tunnel underneath the Volcan Mountains, Mesa Grande Reservation and Cleveland National Forest, along the northern border of San Pasqual Reservation, eventually terminating at the Twin Oaks Valley Water Treatment Plant.
The Water Authority Is Resurrecting Its Pipe Dream – Again|MacKenzie Elmer|September 1, 2020|Voice of San Diego
He studies how areas with permafrost underneath them have been changing.
Busy beavers may be speeding thaw of Arctic permafrost|Kathiann Kowalski|August 31, 2020|Science News For Students
“If you clear out a whole bunch of space around the lines, grasses and non-native species that are much more fire-prone can grow underneath, which increases your fire risk,” Skinner said.
Watchdog Warns: SDG&E’s Tree-Trimming Plan Could Worsen Wildfires|MacKenzie Elmer|August 24, 2020|Voice of San Diego
Underneath my chronic prickliness and assholishness I am always, always thankful.
From Socially Isolated Nerd to Jeopardy! Bad Boy: A Thank You Note|Arthur Chu|November 27, 2014|DAILY BEAST
And underneath my chronic prickliness and assholishness I am always, always thankful.
From Socially Isolated Nerd to Jeopardy! Bad Boy: A Thank You Note|Arthur Chu|November 27, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Sweat poured from underneath his helmet and down the thin points of his sandy blond hair.
I Shot Bin Laden|Elliot Ackerman|November 16, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Underneath, a miniature version of the bug-crazy man is revealed, himself thwacking away in an alternate dimension.
‘Interstellar’ Is Wildly Ambitious, Very Flawed, and Absolutely Worth Seeing|Marlow Stern|November 7, 2014|DAILY BEAST
“That said, underneath the surface differences in threat perception and how to deal with Russia persist,” he says.
Shocked by Ukraine Violence, NATO Prepares to Face Down Putin|Leo Cendrowicz|October 12, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Like violets were her heavy eyelids, and underneath her sleeping eyes a violet shadow lay.
A Book of Myths|Jean Lang
The serpent fixed itself in a tree by the water-side; and underneath the same tree the young crocodile watched for prey.
The World of Waters|Mrs. David Osborne
She was angered quickly, but she forgave just as readily, and underneath her pride there was the meekness of a child.
Return of the Native|Thomas Hardy
He leaned back and watched his vis-à-vis narrowly from underneath drooping lashes.
The Last Stroke|Lawrence L. Lynch
But underneath all her apparent pleasure Jane was sorrowing.
Meg of Mystery Mountain|Grace May North
British Dictionary definitions for underneath
/ (ˌʌndəˈniːθ) /
preposition, adverb
under; beneath
a lower part, surface, etc
Word Origin for underneath
Old English underneothan, from under + neothan below; related to Old Danish underneden; see beneath