The atmosphere on campuses has gotten repressive enough that comedian Chris Rock no longer plays colleges.
How the PC Police Threaten Free Speech|Nick Gillespie|January 9, 2015|DAILY BEAST
Inevitably, the old visceral “hands-on” flying skills, no longer much employed by pilots, have atrophied like an unused limb.
Flight 8501 Poses Question: Are Modern Jets Too Automated to Fly?|Clive Irving|January 4, 2015|DAILY BEAST
One was a Quaker school, whose name he can no longer recall, in upstate New York.
The Story Behind Lee Marvin’s Liberty Valance Smile|Robert Ward|January 3, 2015|DAILY BEAST
This is about no longer accepting that—as so many others have stated—a family would rather have a dead son than a living daughter.
Dear Leelah, We Will Fight On For You: A Letter to a Dead Trans Teen|Parker Molloy|January 1, 2015|DAILY BEAST
With enough changing of the influenza RNA over time, the vaccine no longer provokes the “right” immune response.
When You Get the Flu This Winter, You Can Blame Anti-Vaxxers|Kent Sepkowitz|January 1, 2015|DAILY BEAST
I won't trespass, he may be very sure of that, and I won't stay in the neighbourhood any longer than I can help.
Mitchelhurst Place, Vol. I (of 2)|Margaret Veley
"I will not detain you longer than is absolutely necessary," the other replied.
A Cabinet Secret|Guy Boothby
The bank notes no longer crinkled when he walked; they had taken the contour of his hairy chest.
A Village of Vagabonds|F. Berkeley Smith
My mind is interested all the day; I no longer feel listlessness; the time never hangs heavy upon my hands.
The Last Penny and Other Stories|T. S. Arthur
There are moments when I no longer know what I say; you must not pay attention to it.
The Princess of Bagdad|Alexandre Dumas
see any longer; no longer.
Words nearby longer
long-drawn-out, longe, long-eared owl, Long Eaton, long elevator muscle of rib, longer, longeron, longevity, longevous, long extensor muscle of big toe, long extensor muscle of thumb