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[ lawng-win-did, long- ] / ˈlɔŋˈwɪn dɪd, ˈlɒŋ- / SEE SYNONYMS FOR long-winded ON THESAURUS.COM
adjectivetalking or writing at tedious length: long-winded after-dinner speakers. continued to a tedious length in speech or writing: another of his long-winded election speeches. able to breathe deeply; not tiring easily. Origin of long-windedFirst recorded in 1580–90 OTHER WORDS FROM long-windedlong-wind·ed·ly, adverblong-wind·ed·ness, nounWords nearby long-windedlongwall, long wave, longways, long weekend, long white lop-eared, long-winded, long-wire aerial, longwise, Longwood, Longworth, Longyearbyen Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for long-windedHis many publications and his emails to me are long-winded, occasionally exaggerated, and sometimes hard to follow. The $1-Billion-a-Year Right-Wing Conspiracy You Haven’t Heard Of|Jay Michaelson|September 25, 2014|DAILY BEAST What do you call a long-winded member of Congress whose opinions infuriate you? A Lexical Life Raft for the Government Shutdown|Liesl Schillinger|October 16, 2013|DAILY BEAST That quote may expose Obama as long-winded, but we knew that. Stunning News! Democratic President Obama Believes in Redistribution|David Frum|September 19, 2012|DAILY BEAST The downside: Santorum is a long-winded campaigner who gets tangled in talk of subcommittees and amendments. Mitt Romney’s Dilemma: Picking a Running Mate if He’s the GOP Nominee|Howard Kurtz|January 12, 2012|DAILY BEAST
Afraid of starting his friend on some long-winded discourse on ancient church worthies, the squire interrupted him. Ande Trembath|Matthew Stanley Kemp The colonel is long-winded, but then I expect he's lonesome. Remember the old time southern planter, when with thorough-breds and yelping hounds he ran to death the long-winded red fox. The Gold Diggings of Cape Horn|John R. Spears To give a long-winded Latin classificatory name, forsooth, to a thing that would destroy the faith of ages! The Beckoning Hand and Other Stories|Grant Allen You're getting as long-winded as one of the old almshouse women. The Hall and the Grange|Archibald Marshall
British Dictionary definitions for long-winded
adjectivetiresomely long capable of energetic activity without becoming short of breath Derived forms of long-windedlong-windedly, adverblong-windedness, nounCollins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Words related to long-windedchatty, loquacious, rambling, bombastic, gabby, garrulous, prolix, talkative, verbose, voluble, palaverous |