anything taken by dishonesty, force, stealth, etc.: a burglar's loot.
a collection of valued objects: The children shouted and laughed as they opened their Christmas loot.
Slang. money: You'll have a fine time spending all that loot.
the act of looting or plundering: to take part in the loot of a conquered city.
(in a video game) valuable items that can be claimed from a defeated enemy or cache: I was hoping for new armor, but this loot was pretty disappointing.
verb (used with object)
to carry off or take (something) as loot: to loot a nation's art treasures.
to despoil by taking loot; plunder or pillage (a city, house, etc.), as in war: The invaders looted temples and shrines.
to rob, as by burglary or corrupt activity in public office: to loot the public treasury.
(in a video game) to collect (items from a defeated enemy or cache): Loot all of the bodies and treasure chests before you exit the dungeon.
verb (used without object)
to take loot; plunder: The conquerors looted and robbed.
Origin of loot
First recorded in 1780–90; from Hindi lūṭ, from Sanskrit lotra, loptra “booty, spoil”
SWSLA would stop Wall Street firms from looting businesses and destroying jobs for profit by forcing them to share liability and put workers first in the event of bankruptcy by providing for severance and pensions.
Why the Democratic Party must make a clean break with Wall Street|matthewheimer|September 8, 2020|Fortune
Just going back to coronavirus a little bit, to me and to folks like me, it was very frustrating to see a three- to five-week hiatus in coronavirus coverage when the country was being looted, ravaged and burned.
Full Transcript: Tomi Lahren on ‘The Carlos Watson Show’|Daniel Malloy|August 31, 2020|Ozy
It’s all led to genuine rage against the system, which in several cases over the past year has culminated in a minority of protesters burning down buildings and looting businesses.
Violent protests against police brutality in the ’60s and ’90s changed public opinion|German Lopez|August 28, 2020|Vox
So, calling people names, assuming the worst in everybody, looting, burning stuff down, doesn’t help the healing process.
Full Transcript: Sean Spicer on ‘The Carlos Watson Show’|Daniel Malloy|August 26, 2020|Ozy
Throughout the 24-page indictment, the group appears to be referenced as “Non-Profit-1” in a scheme in which Bannon and his partners were allegedly looting a crowdsourced charity, We Build the Wall, for personal gain.
Federal Prosecutors Have Steve Bannon’s Murky Nonprofit in Their Sights|by Yeganeh Torbati|August 24, 2020|ProPublica
Botala remembers that the rebels would pull into the island, loot what they could, and then take the haul back to Stanleyville.
The Congo's Forgotten Colonial Getaway|Nina Strochlic|December 18, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Go and loot shops from business owners who were not part of the original problem whatsoever.
Dinesh D’Souza: Ferguson Protesters Are Just Like ISIS|Olivia Nuzzi|August 25, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Sayyed, who never went to school, was one of the laborers hired by organized gangs to loot.
Egyptian Tomb-Robbing Market Explodes on eBay|Bel Trew|May 31, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Then he pushed his loot outside and up the street towards his house.
The Rot Among the Rebels in Ukraine|Anna Nemtsova|May 31, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Their bosses make bank selling the loot to Americans online.
Egyptian Tomb-Robbing Market Explodes on eBay|Bel Trew|May 31, 2014|DAILY BEAST
They went away and other men arrived loaded down with their own accumulations of loot.
The Pirates of Ersatz|Murray Leinster
I'm goin' to keep this fine little power schooner for my share of the loot.
Captain Scraggs|Peter B. Kyne
They dumped their loot into it, then unsaddled and threw all the saddles in, too.
Mavericks|William MacLeod Raine
Military pay was small, and not easily recoverable; loot was hard to come by, and quickly spent.
Lysbeth|H. Rider Haggard
They sought neither the glory of conquest nor the rape of freedom, nor the loot of sacked cities.
Canada in Flanders, Volume I (of 3)|Lord Max Aitken Beaverbrook
British Dictionary definitions for loot
/ (luːt) /
goods stolen during pillaging, as in wartime, during riots, etc
goods, money, etc, obtained illegally
informalmoney or wealth
the act of looting or plundering
to pillage (a city, settlement, etc) during war or riots
English Words That Came From Hindi And UrduIf you're reading this in your pajamas, you have the Hindi and Urdu languages to thank for that word, and for many more than you realize.