

单词 lordship of the isles

Lordship of the Isles


an overlordship of the Western Isles of Scotland and adjacent lands instituted in 1266 when Magnus of Norway ceded the Hebrides, the Isle of Man, and Kintyre to the King of Scotland, and claimed by the chiefs of Clan Dougall and later by those of Clan Donald. The title was forfeited to James IV in 1493 and is now held by the eldest son of the sovereign

Derived forms of Lordship of the Isles

Lord of the Isles, noun

Words nearby Lordship of the Isles

Lord Provost, Lords, lords-and-ladies, Lord's day, lordship, Lordship of the Isles, Lord Spiritual, Lord's Prayer, Lords Spiritual, Lord's Supper, Lord's table
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