With seventy thousand men, the Duke of Lorraine commenced the siege of this capital, so renowned in the melancholy annals of war.
The Empire of Austria; Its Rise and Present Power|John S. C. Abbott
All members of the Sixth are appointed monitresses, and Lorraine Forrester is head of the school.
The Head Girl at the Gables|Angela Brazil
He questioned Lorraine carefully as to the various occasions on which she had seen the suspected foreigner.
The Head Girl at the Gables|Angela Brazil
They galloped up to the door; he slipped from his horse, swung Lorraine to the ground, and sprang up the low steps.
Lorraine|Robert W. Chambers
British Dictionary definitions for Lorraine
/ (lɒˈreɪn, Frenchlɔrɛn) /
a region and former province of E France; ceded to Germany in 1871 after the Franco-Prussian war and regained by France in 1919; rich iron-ore depositsGerman name: Lothringen
Kingdom of Lorrainean early medieval kingdom on the Meuse, Moselle, and Rhine rivers: later a duchy
a former duchy in E France, once the S half of this kingdom