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[ uhn-hel-thee ] / ʌnˈhɛl θi / SEE SYNONYMS FOR unhealthy ON THESAURUS.COM
adjective, un·health·i·er, un·health·i·est.not in a state of good or normal health; in an unsound, weak, or morbid condition. symptomatic of or resulting from bad health: an unhealthy pallor. not conducive to good health; unhealthful: Night air was formerly considered unhealthy. morally bad, harmful, or contaminating: unhealthy examples for the young. dangerous; risky: Asking questions in this neighborhood can be unhealthy. Origin of unhealthyFirst recorded in 1585–95; un-1 + healthy SYNONYMS FOR unhealthy1 sickly. 3 unhygienic, deleterious. SEE SYNONYMS FOR unhealthy ON THESAURUS.COM OTHER WORDS FROM unhealthyun·health·i·ly, adverbun·health·i·ness, nounWords nearby unhealthyunhasp, unhatched, UNHCR, unhealed, unhealthful, unhealthy, unheard, unheard-of, unheated, unheeded, unhelm Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for unhealthyMost of us have an unhealthy relationship with anger, writes author and psychologist Andrea Brandt. Can Self-Help Books Really Make a New You?|Lizzie Crocker|December 29, 2014|DAILY BEAST Barbie is an unrealistic, unhealthy, insulting representation of female appearance. Sexism Begins in the Toy Aisle|Nancy Kaffer|November 29, 2014|DAILY BEAST Jordan Younger knew her raw vegan diet had become an unhealthy obsession when she started avoiding going out with friends. Orthorexia: When Healthy Eating Becomes an Obsession|DailyBurn|October 25, 2014|DAILY BEAST You rigidly avoid any food you deem to be “unhealthy,” such as those containing fat, preservatives, additives or animal products. Orthorexia: When Healthy Eating Becomes an Obsession|DailyBurn|October 25, 2014|DAILY BEAST
American teenagers have a relatively clear view of which unhealthy behaviors will put them at greatest long-term risk. Teens Don't Know HIV Is an STD|Russell Saunders|August 6, 2014|DAILY BEAST It was an unhealthy life that we then led: leaping by day and reading by night. Norse Tales and Sketches|Alexander Lange Kielland If the estate is so unhealthy as you represent, why are YOU willing to remain here? Jack in the Forecastle|John Sherburne Sleeper It is sometimes necessary to prune a vine of rank and unhealthy growth, in order that it may bear good fruit. 30,000 Locked Out.|James C. Beeks Alcohol often causes the skin to become red and blotched, and tobacco gives it a dingy and unhealthy appearance. First Book in Physiology and Hygiene|J.H. Kellogg There is nothing so unhealthy for an iceberg as the Gulf Stream, and an iceberg seems to know it. The Strand Magazine, Volume XXVII, Issue 160, April, 1904|Various
British Dictionary definitions for unhealthy
adjective -healthier or -healthiestcharacterized by ill-health; sick; unwell characteristic of, conducive to, or resulting from ill-healthan unhealthy complexion; an unhealthy atmosphere morbid or unwholesome informal dangerous; risky Derived forms of unhealthyunhealthily, adverbunhealthiness, nounCollins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Words related to unhealthyunsound, delicate, perverse, noxious, dangerous, hazardous, negative, perilous, harmful, degrading, detrimental, undesirable, corrupt, unsanitary, corrupting, poisonous, risky, ailing, below par, debilitated |