There’s a lot to unpack, so let’s dive into one of the wonkier features of the state’s water market.
Environment Report: State Throws Cold Water on Pricing Scheme|MacKenzie Elmer|September 14, 2020|Voice of San Diego
Given a crisis on this scale, it’s hard to unpack what exactly might happen, but it’s very likely things would spiral out of control, and the resulting uncertainty could spark unrest and protests that could very well lead to violence.
What If Trump Loses And Won’t Leave?|Geoffrey Skelley (|September 14, 2020|FiveThirtyEight
His new book, No Rules Rules, which he wrote with business school professor Erin Meyer, unpacks why Netflix is the successful, global content machine and streaming powerhouse it is.
What if Your Company Had No Rules? (Bonus Episode)|Maria Konnikova|September 12, 2020|Freakonomics
Welcome back to Human Capital, where we unpack the latest in tech labor and diversity and inclusion.
Human Capital: The battle over the fate of gig workers continues|Megan Rose Dickey|September 11, 2020|TechCrunch
You’ve got all these different formats for audio, so there’s a large amount of number-crunching the TV has to do to unpack it all.
How to fix that annoying audio delay on your soundbar|Whitson Gordon|August 25, 2020|Popular Science
Nonetheless, the pop provocateur that soap fans know by the mononym “Franco” has decided to unpack it.
James Franco and Scott Haze on 'The Sound and the Fury' and Gawker 'Outing' Them As A 'Couple'|Marlow Stern|September 6, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Someone needs to strap a jet pack on Dr. Drew and send him up to unpack these daddy issues, ASAP.
You Can't Unsee Billy Ray Cyrus’s Pseudo Hip Hop ‘Achy Breaky 2’|Amy Zimmerman|February 12, 2014|DAILY BEAST
A little while ago I asked a Texas conservative I know to unpack the antipathy aroused by Cruz.
Why Does Ted Cruz Inspire Such Animosity?|David Frum|May 3, 2013|DAILY BEAST
Her contemplative films (never videos) unpack the world the way Cezanne and Chardin do.
A Cezanne for Our Times|Blake Gopnik|May 8, 2012|DAILY BEAST
Let's unpack their verbal clash and see what it tells us about each man and his strategy.
Romney Puts Perry on Defensive|Howard Kurtz|September 13, 2011|DAILY BEAST
Unpack the battery, keeping the packing case right side up to avoid spilling electrolyte.
The Automobile Storage Battery|O. A. Witte
She went upstairs to her own room, meaning to unpack and arrange her borrowed books.
Wives and Daughters|Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell
Gladys and Roger were very happy with some of their toys, which they had been allowed to unpack in the dining-room.
Two Little Waifs|Mrs. Molesworth
With that he addressed a word to his comrades, and they repaired to a cedar-tree near-by, where they began to unsaddle and unpack.
The Border Legion|Zane Grey
Then unpack the tent and fit the pegs of the two upright poles through the two holes in the ridge pole.
Outdoor Sports and Games|Claude H. Miller
British Dictionary definitions for unpack
/ (ʌnˈpæk) /
to remove the packed contents of (a case, trunk, etc)
(tr)to take (something) out of a packed container
(tr)to remove a pack from; unloadto unpack a mule
(tr)to explain (a question, issue, etc) by analysing its component parts