

单词 luther


[ loo-ther; German loot-uhr ]
/ ˈlu θər; German ˈlʊt ər /


Mar·tin [mahr-tn; German mahr-teen], /ˈmɑr tn; German ˈmɑr tin/, 1483–1546, German theologian and author: leader, in Germany, of the Protestant Reformation.
a male given name: from Germanic words meaning “famous” and “army.”

Words nearby Luther

lute stern, lutestring, Lutetia, lutetium, Luth., Luther, Lutheran, Lutheran Church, Luther, Martin, luthern, Lutherville-Timonium
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020

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British Dictionary definitions for Luther

/ (ˈluːθə) /


Martin. 1483–1546, German leader of the Protestant Reformation. As professor of biblical theology at Wittenberg University from 1511, he began preaching the crucial doctrine of justification by faith rather than by works, and in 1517 he nailed 95 theses to the church door at Wittenberg, attacking Tetzel's sale of indulgences. He was excommunicated and outlawed by the Diet of Worms (1521) as a result of his refusal to recant, but he was protected in Wartburg Castle by Frederick III of Saxony (1521–22). He translated the Bible into German (1521–34) and approved Melanchthon's Augsburg Confession (1530), defining the basic tenets of Lutheranism

Derived forms of Luther

Lutherism, noun
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