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Example sentences from the Web for unproductiveThey became, in a sense, unproductive employees, and were summarily fired. When Evolution Is Infectious - Issue 90: Something Green|Moises Velasquez-Manoff|September 30, 2020|Nautilus Strategic foresight offers an alternative to unproductive worry. How to plan your life during a pandemic|Amy Nordrum|September 26, 2020|MIT Technology Review That way, we are more likely to avoid previous mistakes, break unproductive patterns, and benefit from lessons learned. If we want to transform African economies, we must look beyond relying on governments|K.Y. Amoako|August 6, 2020|Quartz So if senior managers are calling them unproductive, we know we have a problem. How to Make Meetings Less Terrible (Ep. 389 Rebroadcast)|Stephen J. Dubner|May 28, 2020|Freakonomics
Most of them are woefully unproductive, and tyrannize our offices. How to Make Meetings Less Terrible (Ep. 389 Rebroadcast)|Stephen J. Dubner|May 28, 2020|Freakonomics As many expected, the talks were unproductive, but massive crowds gathered to watch the televised debate at the protest sites. Chinese Tourists Are Taking Hong Kong Protest Selfies|Brendon Hong|October 23, 2014|DAILY BEAST Software patents have become a source of unproductive litigation that entrenches large tech companies and inhibits creativity. It's Time to Update Reaganomics|Justin Green|February 18, 2013|DAILY BEAST That fat turned out to be bloated and unproductive dealerships. Romney Attacks Obama Over ‘Public’ Equity Job Slashing|Daniel Stone|May 29, 2012|DAILY BEAST If the next Congress finds rules from the last Congress to be outdated or unproductive, members can tear them up and start over. No Labels, a Nonpartisan Group, Unveils Its Plan to Fix Congress|Mark McKinnon|December 12, 2011|DAILY BEAST It is now completely predictable and unproductive to any sober national-security debate. Obama's Nuclear Victory|Joseph Cirincione|September 24, 2009|DAILY BEAST For the better part of four unproductive years had the life of Calico run to commonplaces. The unproductive labor was paid, as the employers supposed, from the new value lately created at the West. Martin Van Buren|Edward M. Shepard The differences, however, between productive and unproductive consumption admit of considerable qualification. Knowledge is Power:|Charles Knight The old economists used to class labor as productive and unproductive according as it was or was not embodied in material form. The Principles of Economics|Frank A. Fetter He won first an indecisive battle at Borny (August 14), which was unproductive of any concrete advantage. A History of the Third French Republic|C. H. C. Wright
adjective(often foll by of) not productive of (anything) not producing goods and services with exchange value Derived forms of unproductiveunproductively, adverbunproductiveness, nounWords nearby unproductiveunprincipled, unprintable, unprison, unprizable, unprocessed, unproductive, unprofessional, unprofitable, unpromising, unprompted, unpronounceable Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Words related to unproductivefruitless, worthless, unprofitable, ineffective, useless, pointless, infertile, futile, barren, empty, sterile, trivial |