

单词 unrifled

Example sentences from the Web for unrifled

  • Yes, I have marked my initials on an unrifled portion of each one of these exhibits.

    Warren Commission (3 of 26): Hearings Vol. III (of 15)|The President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy
  • We can go no further till we find an unrifled cairn burial answering to Homeric descriptions.

    Homer and His Age|Andrew Lang
  • Can I offer you refreshment—the wheaten loaf, the smooth, unrifled egg, the bland emollience of the butter-pat?

    Mrs. Tree's Will|Laura E. Richards
  • The sun seems merciless in its brightness; the music and dancing in unrifled homes is almost heartless.

    Folly as It Flies|Fanny Fern


/ (ʌnˈraɪfəld) /


(of a firearm or its bore) not rifled; smoothbore

Words nearby unrifled

unretire, unrevealed, unrewarded, unrewarding, unriddle, unrifled, unrig, unrighteous, unrip, unripe, unrivaled
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