Unruly,intractable,recalcitrant,refractory describe persons or things that resist management or control. Unruly suggests persistently disorderly behavior or character in persons or things: an unruly child, peevish and willful; wild, unruly hair.Intractable suggests in persons a determined resistance to all attempts to guide or direct them, in things a refusal to respond to attempts to shape, improve, or modify them: an intractable social rebel; a seemingly intractable problem in logistics.recalcitrant and refractory imply not only a lack of submissiveness but also an open, often violent, rebellion against authority or direction. Recalcitrant, the stronger of the two terms, suggests a stubborn and absolute noncompliance: a recalcitrant person, openly contemptuous of all authority.Refractory implies active, mulish disobedience, but leaves open the possibility of eventual compliance: refractory students, resisting efforts to interest them in their studies.
The televised debates are supposed to be “for the benefit of the American electorate,” the commission said in a statement Wednesday, implying that Tuesday night’s unruly slugfest did not achieve that goal.
Election live updates: Debate commission says it will change structure to ensure more ‘orderly discussion’|John Wagner, Felicia Sonmez, Amy B Wang|September 30, 2020|Washington Post
As recent instances of customers responding violently to employees who have asked them to wear a mask have shown, employees have good reason to fear unruly customers.
By being too customer-obsessed, DTC startups are failing their retail employees|Anna Hensel|August 21, 2020|Digiday
But, there’s only so much training that can help store employees when dealing with an unruly customer in the moment.
By being too customer-obsessed, DTC startups are failing their retail employees|Anna Hensel|August 21, 2020|Digiday
And in informal talks, Chinese leaders have compared hackers on both sides to unruly children who can only barely be controlled.
Obama Could Hit China to Punish North Korea|Shane Harris, Tim Mak|December 20, 2014|DAILY BEAST
It is an article of faith with this man that there won't be any unruly behavior or, God forbid, any scenes.
Alfred Hitchcock’s Fade to Black: The Great Director’s Final Days|David Freeman|December 13, 2014|DAILY BEAST
And if anyone thought this was an abdication and a letting go of the unruly region they need to think again.
Eastern Ukraine Braces for ‘Full-Scale War’|Jamie Dettmer|November 17, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Ancient night and the unruly salt beat at the walls of my house.
In Chile, Poetry Outlives the Dictators|Jay Parini|October 27, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Unruly Places is all about going off the map, metaphorically and physically.
Discovering Underground Labyrinths, Remote Cities, and More of the World’s Lost Places|Nina Strochlic|July 8, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Doubtless Prince Louis's fair sister was persuading the unruly wife to return to her duty.
Joan of the Sword Hand|S(amuel) R(utherford) Crockett
He can scramble into a manger—where my unruly hens persist in making an occasional nest—like a marmoset.
The Prairie Mother|Arthur Stringer
If any mare happens to be unruly, her foal is brought, and allowed to suck a little, after which the milker again succeeds.
A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels, Vol. I|Robert Kerr
He felt a personal sense of gratitude towards her for having kept three of his most unruly charges quiet so long.
Big Brother|Annie Fellows-Johnston
He was not badly dressed and an attempt had been made to comb his unruly locks.