[ uhn-sey -vuh -ree ] SHOW IPA
/ ʌnˈseɪ və ri / PHONETIC RESPELLING
adjective not savory; tasteless or insipid: an unsavory meal.
unpleasant in taste or smell; distasteful.
unappealing or disagreeable, as a pursuit: Poor teachers can make education unsavory.
socially or morally objectionable or offensive: an unsavory past; an unsavory person.
Also especially British , un·sa·vour·y .
Origin of unsavory Middle English word dating back to 1175–1225; see origin at un-1 , savory1
OTHER WORDS FROM unsavory un·sa·vor·i·ly, adverb un·sa·vor·i·ness, noun Words nearby unsavory unsaturated, unsaturated compound, unsaturated fat, unsaturated fats, unsaturated fatty acid, unsavory , unsavoury, unsavvy, unsay, unsayable, unscathed
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020
Example sentences from the Web for unsavory That nomination was withdrawn two weeks later, when GOP senators in vulnerable seats apparently complained about being forced to vote for such an unsavory character.
In Montana, Stream Access Is on the Ballot | Wes Siler| October 16, 2020| Outside Online
Of course, digital technology isn’t responsible for authoritarianism’s resurgence, but it gives crucial advantages to unsavory regimes.
Covid-19 and the geopolitics of American decline | Katie McLean| August 19, 2020| MIT Technology Review
It seems to me to be too unsavory a step but time will tell.
Measles Vaccine Mix-Up Kills Dozens of Syrian Children | Kent Sepkowitz| September 18, 2014| DAILY BEAST
Organicness, too, can offer a patina of healthfulness to unsavory substances.
Your Health Food’s Hidden Sugar Bomb | Michael Schulson| July 8, 2014| DAILY BEAST
Everyone knows that Game of Thrones is full of unsavory characters that behave in unsavory ways.
Game of Thrones’ ‘The Lion and the Rose’: Joffrey’s Demented, Shocking Royal Wedding | Andrew Romano| April 14, 2014| DAILY BEAST
So as unsavory as it may feel, working with the moderate-aligned military is our only hope, writes Leslie H. Gelb.
It’s Time to Hold Our Nose and Back Egypt’s Military | Leslie H. Gelb| August 17, 2013| DAILY BEAST
This has given Cuccinelli plenty of ammunition to attack him as an unsavory wheeler-dealer.
Five Takeaways From Virginia Gubernatorial Debate | Ben Jacobs| July 20, 2013| DAILY BEAST
They did unsavory cooking over the open fire till their small supply of wood gave out.
Home Fires in France | Dorothy Canfield
I should not care to entrust my daughter or sister to the keeping of a man with my unsavory reputation.
Nat Goodwin's Book | Nat C. Goodwin
The street is and always has been narrow, and, from its proximity to the fish-market, is and always has been unsavory .
Neither can be depended upon and generally both have unsavory reputations.
Danger! A True History of a Great City's Wiles and Temptations | William Howe
Poetry is truly an unsavory implement when it so demeans a smart officer to defer to a civilian.
Words related to unsavory distasteful, objectionable, shady, unpalatable, unpleasant, unappetizing, nasty, obnoxious, offensive, acid, bitter, bland, disagreeable, dull, flavorless, gross, icky, insipid, lousy, nauseating