We usually go with two extra searches just to be sure that our diagnosis is right.
How to earn your place in Google’s index in 2020|Bartosz Góralewicz|September 14, 2020|Search Engine Land
Everlane has offered a few unprecedented promotions, like a sitewide sale in March, and 20-50% off in May on items that it claimed “usually don’t go on sale.”
DTC brands are rethinking their ‘never-go-on-sale’ rule|Anna Hensel|September 11, 2020|Digiday
Some of the voices driving that agenda were not members of the Energy Department but private businessmen, usually from Texas.
Rick Perry’s Ukrainian Dream|by Simon Shuster, TIME, and Ilya Marritz, WNYC|September 10, 2020|ProPublica
Actually, your tests usually will have questions mixed up, too.
Top 10 tips on how to study smarter, not longer|Kathiann Kowalski|September 9, 2020|Science News For Students
AI also offers systems that are usually called AI-powered systems to partially or fully create advertisements based on the user’s goals.
Transforming advertisement and graphic design through AI|Shree Das|September 8, 2020|Search Engine Watch
These are young fathers, rural farmers, usually growing banana or coffee or subsistence crops.
How Good Dads Can Change the World|Gary Barker, PhD, Michael Kaufman|January 6, 2015|DAILY BEAST
“I usually see people head to the stationary bikes,” Steinbrick says.
How to Survive the New Year ‘Gympocalypse’|Tim Teeman|January 6, 2015|DAILY BEAST
But outside of a few European countries and Quebec, this leave is usually two weeks or less and usually unpaid.
How Good Dads Can Change the World|Gary Barker, PhD, Michael Kaufman|January 6, 2015|DAILY BEAST
While there are a couple of antibiotics that usually work, if they are overused they, too, may cease to be effective.
Without Education, Antibiotic Resistance Will Be Our Greatest Health Crisis|Russell Saunders|December 19, 2014|DAILY BEAST
“Usually being a police officer does not give you great insight into the lives of sex workers,” Wolf says.
To Catch a Sex Worker: A&E’s Awful, Exploitative Ambush Show|Samantha Allen|December 19, 2014|DAILY BEAST
A copy of the work was also sent, as is usually done, to the editor of the Allgemeine Litteraturzeitung.
Solomon Maimon: An Autobiography.|Solomon Maimon
Happily the subject is usually picturesque, and old Holinshed at his worst was no contemptible writer.
The Battaile of Agincourt|Michael Drayton
Recently he has been even more than usually kind to us, especially to Edith.
Coningsby|Benjamin Disraeli
A sufficient amount of mucus or fecal matter will usually be brought away by it.
A Manual of Clinical Diagnosis|James Campbell Todd
As he hastened up the little drive, his walk, usually so dignified and elastic, became a shamble.
The Yellow House|E. Phillips Oppenheim
British Dictionary definitions for usually
/ (ˈjuːʒʊəlɪ) /
customarily; at most times; in the ordinary course of events
regularly, customarily, routinely, mostly, sometimes, generally, ordinarily, commonly, consistently, occasionally, frequently, normally, mainly, now and then, habitually, as a rule, as usual, by and large, in the main, more often than not