All these metrics that can easily be tracked can reveal your app’s discoverability in the app marketplaces.
App store optimization success: Top five KPIs you must measure|Juned Ghanchi|August 28, 2020|Search Engine Watch
In a blog post, Amazon said it would back the bill, provided the language was amended so all stores and marketplaces were held to the same standards, regardless of their model for collecting fees.
Why Etsy’s CEO is accusing Amazon of trying to wipe out its competition|Marc Bain|August 26, 2020|Quartz
For our programmatic data-driven business, our private marketplace revenue has grown north of 50% in the last year.
‘It’s less dire than it seemed to be’: How The Wall Street Journal’s digital ads business has weathered the downturn|Lucinda Southern|August 20, 2020|Digiday
The remainder of 2020 will be crucial for brands to win Share of Voice in these marketplaces and start building a customer base.
How to prepare your e-commerce ad strategy for an uncertain Q4|Sponsored Content: Pacvue|August 17, 2020|Search Engine Land
These new curated marketplaces, however, don’t come at a premium — at least not yet.
‘Coming to us for ways to do more’: Advertisers look to curated marketplaces to reach underrepresented audiences|Seb Joseph|July 31, 2020|Digiday
So the CIW has looked to the marketplace to enforce these guarantees.
We're All Living on The Supermarket Plantation|Lewis Beale|November 8, 2014|DAILY BEAST
And he instinctively understood the marketplace—whether of ideas or something more concrete.
Oh Yes, He’s The Great Connector: Jason Hirschhorn’s Expertly Curated World|Lloyd Grove|October 17, 2014|DAILY BEAST
And when a fraudulent work hits the marketplace, it tends to circulate.
Why eBay Is an Art Forger’s Paradise|Lizzie Crocker|August 19, 2014|DAILY BEAST
It still remains incredibly difficult for new comics and heroes to get a stronghold in the marketplace.
DC Comics’ Diversity Crisis: Why the Status Quo Rules|Liz Watson|July 20, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The ARC4 augmented reality system is finally ready to move from the military to the marketplace.
Augmented Reality System Goes From Military to Market|Rose Eveleth|May 27, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The front of the Town House and the whole circuit of the marketplace were in a blaze with brilliant colours.
The History of England from the Accession of James II.|Thomas Babington Macaulay
In the marketplace were the provost, the herald, and the judges.
The Legend of Ulenspiegel|Charles de Coster
“Three hundred Walloon soldiers have been hanged in the marketplace,” said they.
The Legend of Ulenspiegel, Vol. II (of 2)|Charles de Coster
We are needed there, to judge by that angry crowd in the marketplace.
Prince Ricardo of Pantouflia|Andrew Lang
It was that one day in the marketplace lingered Olaf Tryggvason when there was a gathering of many people.
The Sagas of Olaf Tryggvason and of Harald The Tyrant (Harald Haardraade)|Snorri Sturluson
British Dictionary definitions for marketplace
/ (ˈmɑːkɪtˌpleɪs) /
a place where a public market is held
any centre where ideas, opinions, etc, are exchanged